Yep I understand all of this, the trichomes thing
What I don't get is :
"tip #2 -> the amber ur lookin for will be on the budz themselvez, not the sugar leavez"
What is exactly the bud itself ?
If I look at the bud, all I can see is either sugar leaves, or pistils...
Here's the bud I'm talking about :
#2 -> i'm talkin about amber trichomez, not pistilz....pistilz = hairz & they're not what ur lookin for the trichomez themselvez turn from clear to cloudy, then amber as they fully mature....and this then becomez purely a matter of grower preference, as to when to harvest...there'z a lotta diff factorz at play, but the loose rule o' thumb is that the more cloudy-to-amber u let em go, the more body high/couck lock u'll get...but again, that'z a very loose rule, lol i meself alwayz let em get to around 30% amber if possible before choppin...but then again, some strainz seem to almost never go amber, lol if u don't already have one, u'll need to get a jeweler'z loupe or other magnifying meanz to check the trichz, becuz -> it'z all about the trichz! ppp
Yep I understand all of this, the trichomes thing
What I don't get is :
"tip #2 -> the amber ur lookin for will be on the budz themselvez, not the sugar leavez"
What is exactly the bud itself ?
If I look at the bud, all I can see is either sugar leaves, or pistils...
Here's the bud I'm talking about :