New Grower First grow ever


#2 -> i'm talkin about amber trichomez, not pistilz....pistilz = hairz & they're not what ur lookin for :nono: the trichomez themselvez turn from clear to cloudy, then amber as they fully mature....and this then becomez purely a matter of grower preference, as to when to harvest...there'z a lotta diff factorz at play, but the loose rule o' thumb is that the more cloudy-to-amber u let em go, the more body high/couck lock u'll get...but again, that'z a very loose rule, lol :rolleyes2: i meself alwayz let em get to around 30% amber if possible before choppin...but then again, some strainz seem to almost never go amber, lol :doh: if u don't already have one, u'll need to get a jeweler'z loupe or other magnifying meanz to check the trichz, becuz -> it'z all about the trichz! :shooty: :headbang: ppp

Yep I understand all of this, the trichomes thing :)

What I don't get is :
"tip #2 -> the amber ur lookin for will be on the budz themselvez, not the sugar leavez"

What is exactly the bud itself ?
If I look at the bud, all I can see is either sugar leaves, or pistils...

Here's the bud I'm talking about :


Yep I understand all of this, the trichomes thing :)

What I don't get is :
"tip #2 -> the amber ur lookin for will be on the budz themselvez, not the sugar leavez"

What is exactly the bud itself ?
If I look at the bud, all I can see is either sugar leaves, or pistils...

Here's the bud I'm talking about :

View attachment 1381186

basically, anything that ain't a leaf is the bud itself :rofl: ......................ok, sorry, couldn't rezist :rolleyes2: :biggrin: but seriously, and simply put, the bud itself is the meaty part in the middle of all the rest,'z made up of all the lil teardrop-shaped calyx'z that stack on top of each other as the bud growz ;) fyi -> the calyx'z are what encase the seedz, when/if the plant is pollinated...but of course, that duzn't apply here...jus fyi ;) ppp
basically, anything that ain't a leaf is the bud itself :rofl: ......................ok, sorry, couldn't rezist :rolleyes2: :biggrin: but seriously, and simply put, the bud itself is the meaty part in the middle of all the rest,'z made up of all the lil teardrop-shaped calyx'z that stack on top of each other as the bud growz ;) fyi -> the calyx'z are what encase the seedz, when/if the plant is pollinated...but of course, that duzn't apply here...jus fyi ;) ppp

Oh ok lol I see... thanks !
That is why I didn't understand, this dwarf girl isn't normal.
She really only shows sugar leaves and pistils.
Well I'll monitor the trichomes where I can :biggrin:
On another subject, I can see that some members give me some points.
Thank you !
But how does this work ?
Can I give points myself, and when/how ?
@olegren @St. Tom @Modernviking

at the bottom right of everybody'z post, next to the like button, is the "reputation" button...jus click that & u can give anybody up to 10 pointz of rep at any time :thumbsup: but, fyi, u can't rep the same peep twice in a row, without reppin somebody else in between...jus sayin ;) ppp
... and the gnats are back !
It's a real plague this insect lol

I could keep them at bay for a while, but I think I need to be a little more agressive.
Considering adding BTI to my pots, following the post by @arty zan ; so I put some pellets on the top soil and then add water.
Do you think that it's ok if there's my flower nute as well in the water ?
... and the gnats are back !
It's a real plague this insect lol

I could keep them at bay for a while, but I think I need to be a little more agressive.
Considering adding BTI to my pots, following the post by @arty zan ; so I put some pellets on the top soil and then add water.
Do you think that it's ok if there's my flower nute as well in the water ?
Probably ok but I try to inoculate and feed separately so there are no micro-level pH issues that inhibit bacterial growth. More of a "why take a chance" kind of thing. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Probably ok but I try to inoculate and feed separately so there are no micro-level pH issues that inhibit bacterial growth. More of a "why take a chance" kind of thing. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

Problem is that I was told to water less in order to limit gnats proliferation... so if I can add BTI along with the normal feed, that is one less watering (don't know if I'm clear, my english is so basic lol)
Problem is that I was told to water less in order to limit gnats proliferation... so if I can add BTI along with the normal feed, that is one less watering (don't know if I'm clear, my english is so basic lol)
Ahhh - I get it. Do you fertigate with each watering? I apologize - I read the thread some time ago but don't recall.