New Grower First grow - Ever

Oct 11, 2016
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Hey AFN,

Whats good ya'll. Sorry to say but I do a crappy job of logging my progress. I will try and do a better job. Needless to say I do have some updates to give especially since we are at around 41days from sprout. On to the set up - 3' x 3' x 6' tent, Mars-hydro 144 x 5 reflector series, Coco Coir, Mephisto genetics super soil mix (soil amendment), Mephisto Genetics White Stomper & a free seed I received from them for ordering the Super soil. Hyper fan and black ops filter (filter not installed yet). First off I think I messed up when they first germinated. I left the solo cup covering the sprout for at least 5 to 7 days to long. I know, I screwed up. Then to top it off, I think I had my PH all wrong. I was feeding at around 6.8 PH which I've read is too high for coco. I think that because of the discoloration of some of the older leaves. The leaves also felt weird. It appeared as if they had a phosphorus deficiency. I corrected the PH to 5.5 and it seemed to stop whatever was happening. I have been LST training like a mofo (to the best of my very green abilities). I have also been running Grow Switch Full on nutrient product that I received a sample of. I've also been adding botanicare cal-mag supplement as well as a dab of un-sulfured molasses.

Mephisto White Stomper on the right. It is the smaller of the 2. the freebie it way more bushier. Pics taken early November 5th or so
IMG_5962.PNGIMG_5960.PNG IMG_5961.PNG I will try and do better. Here is a pic of a few of the lower leaves that were turning yellow when I was experiencing some issues. I was also noticing some purpleing on the stems which led me to believe it was a phosphorus problem. I'm Still not sure if the problem is completely fixed. All new growth is all green. If anyone has any ideas as to what's going on I'd love to here it.