New Grower First grow - Ever

First grow is looking good mate!

If it is fully organic with no synthetic supplements you technically don't have to flush.

But you still want them to be "hungry" at harvest.

I flush my own, organic or not. I just use less water if it's fully organic. I also use a final flush product if its synthetic.

I like them to have some yellow leaves 2 weeks or so before I harvest. It has to do with the plant using stored sugars in the fan leaves. You get better buds in the end.

Like it was said above opinions differ.
I was supplementing with Cal-mag though. Isn't that a chemical supplement? Also, I have no experience as to harvest time. There's no way I can tell when I'm a couple of weeks out. Lol. So I can start the flush.
You will want to gauge harvest time on the condition of the trychomes. When you see the majority of them are cloudy with a small percentage starting to turn amber you are there. I am no t sure on the efficacy of it but may swear that once you reach this stat 24 hours of darkness help to finish the plant off. I have not done this but I plan to try it for myself the year. Can't hurt.

As per the flushing thing, I think you will hear as many opinions on this as there are growers. For me, I just start letting up on the level of feed I am giving them as they finish off and let them devour themselves. I personally don't think that flushing accomplishes anything but I am always open to new ideas backed by hard science.

Grow on.
When you stop feeding them depends on how long you plan to flower them. Flushing is to remove nutrients from the soil and allowing the plant to begin converting the nutrients in their leaves into the last usable energy store. Strains will fully utilize the nutrients in their leaves as the buds mature. Trichome maturity rates differ from strain to strain, and from internode to internode. Clear trichomes are fresh resin that is still being readily produced, cloudy trichomes are maturing resin after fresh resin has stopped being produced within the trichome head, amber trichomes are matured resin that has begun degrading and thc is being converted to cbn. Do you care for a speedier euphoria, or a highly sedative effect caused by degrading trichomes? Peak time differs, but usually is at the point where the majority of trichomes appear cloudy, and a slight bit has begun to amber. Time, light, and air will degrade trichomes, and decarboxylate flowers. A sufficient cure will provide the finest medicine.
When you stop feeding them depends on how long you plan to flower them. Flushing is to remove nutrients from the soil and allowing the plant to begin converting the nutrients in their leaves into the last usable energy store. Strains will fully utilize the nutrients in their leaves as the buds mature. Trichome maturity rates differ from strain to strain, and from internode to internode. Clear trichomes are fresh resin that is still being readily produced, cloudy trichomes are maturing resin after fresh resin has stopped being produced within the trichome head, amber trichomes are matured resin that has begun degrading and thc is being converted to cbn. Do you care for a speedier euphoria, or a highly sedative effect caused by degrading trichomes? Peak time differs, but usually is at the point where the majority of trichomes appear cloudy, and a slight bit has begun to amber. Time, light, and air will degrade trichomes, and decarboxylate flowers. A sufficient cure will provide the finest medicine.
Thats the best description of how to read trichomes I have ever read. Thank you.
I was supplementing with Cal-mag though. Isn't that a chemical supplement? Also, I have no experience as to harvest time. There's no way I can tell when I'm a couple of weeks out. Lol. So I can start the flush.
There's organic calmag.

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You will want to gauge harvest time on the condition of the trychomes. When you see the majority of them are cloudy with a small percentage starting to turn amber you are there. I am no t sure on the efficacy of it but may swear that once you reach this stat 24 hours of darkness help to finish the plant off. I have not done this but I plan to try it for myself the year. Can't hurt.

As per the flushing thing, I think you will hear as many opinions on this as there are growers. For me, I just start letting up on the level of feed I am giving them as they finish off and let them devour themselves. I personally don't think that flushing accomplishes anything but I am always open to new ideas backed by hard science.

Grow on.
There are some opposing theories, but explore with an open heart and mind, test things yourself. Or, just go with your gut feeling! It's a living organism, it wants to live and grow, and it will give you signs. Just be very watchful, your plants do require your love and attention if they are to live under controlled conditions, you can't just slide. The rain won't water her, natural predators won't protect her from insects. It's like having an animal living in your home, lots of love and nurturing so they have healthy lives.

Boy, I'm so stoned...

Oh, and trichomes are the way to go. Different people pick different times, I like it mostly milky, none to minimal amber, some clear or none. Some people recommend picking a bud a week for the last month and notate what the trichomes look like each week. Do a trial test and see which one was your favorite high, which I totally recommend! [emoji106] [emoji6]

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@witchyhour thanks for that tip on tricombs. Great idea. I've been trying to use my gut instinct. At the start, being my first grow, it was a kind of frantic and rushed. But I think I'm calming down a bit. Honestly I was freaking a little when the leaves started turning yellow and they also felt thick and leathery. I definitely have a lot to learn