New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

Thanks MAV, SWEET "tall" yes as I am watching frosty too which is great...i may try to sneak in and do a scrog on the bkb see how it turns out. lol! :baby:

You gots to do what u wanna do.. & u seem to have itchy green fingers so i aint doubting you can do it! haha :greenthumb:
Have a look at this if u wanna drool & see what u might have in 80 days! :drool:

Day 38.. noticed a problem on Day 33 with RONDA.. had some pretty long roots sticking out of her pot dangling into the drain bucket i have the pots in.. but got zero help in the live help thread.. so just had to kinda DIY & think on my feet! Only just got some similar pots to kind of double stack her.. to make it a pot wihtin a pot.. just hope when ive filled the new pot.. the roots dont get squashed or damaged whilst trying to do so.. cant find any help on the net or on here so i guess ill just have to find out when i do it! :shrug:
Does anyone know if im doing the right or wrong thing trying to get these dangling roots into some soil.. or just leave them as they are?

Anyways.. SU-BO... kept everything pretty locked down as far as routine goes.. apart from a the light cycle goin a few full 24 hours on the bounce.. but they seemed to like it.. got 2 red 45w CFL & 2 blue 45w CFL above her as shes def in flower mode.. gave SU-BO a 3 litre plain water feed few days ago.. as she had stopped growing so before i lowered the grow & fish mix & added the biobizz bloom.. i gave her a good water & then let her dry out.. shes now on her 2nd day of 1.5 litres with 2ml grow, 2ml fish, 2 ml bloom, 2ml AN Carboload, 2ml alg-a-mic, 1ml AN Rhino SKin, 1.5ml Cal/Mag! Little growth spurt after the water hit.. but maxed at about 18 inches or so & slightly fattening out.. its always dry an jsut about an inch every day after the feed.. so i'd rather feed daily with small-ish amounts of water.. than huge amounts of water every few days... as she seems happy & until she shows otherwise i aint changin it! :smoking:
Day 38 Plant 1-1.jpg

Got the canopy pretty level in my opionion & recently just brought them all back up to the centre with the last bit of LST i'll be doing on her.. with a good feew inches spaces for them all & all nicely placed inbetween the CFLs for maxmium light penetration to all 20+ sites! :)
Day 38 Plant 1-2.jpg

I also done a weeeeeee bit of pruning.. due to the soil packing up.. left the lower fans difficult to avoid when feeding & keeping them off the soil.. so a few had kinda dried up & were dead IMO.. so i snipped them off.. she never flickered since & its ALOT easier to feed now so should be zero more damage caused to her by me.. thank fook! haha!
Day 38 Plant 1-3.jpg

Thats the main stalk middle centre which is going flower crazy.. & which i got a pretty sweet LST bend on her u can kinda see.. definitely kept her maybe a foot shorter which will pay off in the CFL light distribution side of things! :woohoo1:

RONDA... as i mentioned.. she had the long ass roots hanging out of her pot.. really freaked me out as i heard damaged roots are lethal.. so dont knowe if im messing with fire trying to give them something to nestle in.. or jsut let it stay as they are?! I thought she was way behind her sis.. but looking at her now.. she looks like SU-BO did at day 33.. so only 5-6 days.. so made me think the potential root problem i thought i had.. really hasnt effected her much! But obviously a problem saved before it is a na actual problem.. surely is best.. so i'll find out soon enough i guess! :rolleyes1:

SO yeah.. shes definitely into her stretch now.. pre-flowering & still looking such a beaut! So cant complain too much.. she still has 3 x 45W CFL blue & 1 CFL red above her.. she gets 3.5ml grow, 3.5ml fish, 3ml alg-a-mic, 1.5ml cal/mag & 1ml AN Rhino Skin.. to my eyes the perfect colour & picture of health.. so whatever i do with these roots.. could make or break her.. i guess?!
Day 38 Plant 2-1.jpg

Couple fan leafs that have licked the bulbs here & there.. apart from that.. i love the way she looks! :smoking:
Day 38 Plant 2-2.jpg
Day 38 Plant 2-3.jpg

That was her main stalk/cola that i also bend down.. just left of centre.. she may well out do her sister if these damn roots dont cause any problems! :peace:
Looking lush my friend ! Be fun to see all those little flowers mature into some beautiful colas ! As for the roots can't help you there ...that's an interesting situation ...but she seems happy to me homie , great learning curve thrown at you there ! I can say I've had a few lmao ! Keep killing it brother ! :pass::cheers:
Day 43.. just a quick update! Some good news & some bad news!

Phosphorus deficiency.. after the damage caused to SU-BO early on.. i wasnt paying too much attention to her lower fans.. but there is some slight yellowing & brown marks crisping up.. think ive caught it fairly early so just trying to sort the ph results are & go from there! Its on both plants.. more so RONDA actually.. so hopefully ill find & fix the problem next few days after some tinkering! :peace:

Apart from the very low fan leaves showing Phos deficiencies.. both plants looking lush! :smoking: RONDA was always lagging behind.. but her flowers are starting to form.. pretty much same height as her sister.. & vaguely starting to turn purple! :thumbsup:

SU-BO.. tho.. is really starting to kick on! :smoking: Buds turning purple.. & the sugar is starting to spill out on to the leaves! :woohoo1: Dutch Passion gentics really starting to shine thru now.. joy to watch! :peace:
Day 43 Plant 1-1.jpg

Day 43 Plant 1-2.jpg
Day 43 Plant 1-3.jpg
Day 47... well after the Phos def i noticed.. i decided to use SU-BO as the guinea pig to try fix the problem! So first of all a 4 litre plain water flush.. just to get some run off to test the PH.. it was 7.3 on the meter.. which is definitely too high.. around 6.2 to 7 is my apparent 'optimal scale' ... so the PH IMO had definitely caused a lock out & phos def is pretty rare or hard to do.. its always the PH! So i ran another 5 litres thru her.. & it dropped to 6.7.. so there was definitely a build up! So i think ive sorted it.. unfortiunately.. in my last litre of water.. i should of probably nute'd her up to give her a lil back from what i washed away.. which i didnt.. & it caused one of the top buds to really show a reaction to it! :cuss:So in finding the problem.. fixing it.. then failing to put her back on the right track.. not the greatest! :/ haha! Even thru all this she is stioll fattening her buds up real nice.. the smell is citrusy lushness.. so shes pushing on regardless.. hopefully its fixed now after a feed today.. & i dont see anymore new damage on her fans.. fingers crossed!

SU-BO... So this pic shows one of her colas.. just this one in particular took it real bad & was 24 from the flush to feed & it happened in just that time.. pretty scary how bad things can go if left! :finger:
SU-BO - phos def.jpg

Im sure the flush caused this.. because the PH was too high.. now it isnt.. & io cleanmsed my soil.. so this happened becuase of direct lack of nutrients.. which ive topped up.. so now just need to make suer nothing else appears or it doesnt get worse.. or she might be fucked.. i dont know?!

As u can see tho.. the rest of her is looking pretty strong.. :smoking:
Day 47 - Grow Room 01.jpg
Day 47 - Grow Room 02.jpg
Day 47 - Grow Room 03.jpg

Weird that is just happened to 1 or 2 colas.. guess they were sucking up the most juice 7 the soil ran out.. hopefully i can keep them happy for the next 3 week til the end flush & she aint a right ugly twat by then! :rolleyes1:

RONDA... I left her well alone! Seeing what the flush did to her sister.. made me think twice about a flush.. theres a few things im gonna try with lemon juice into the nute mix to try lower the PH.. something way less dramatic as i dont want her getting as ugly or potentailly damaged as her sis.. so ive even left her at the back of the grow room.. undisturbed or moved.. just fed! :smoking: She looks lush & really catching up on the buds.. im just about to try get a run off on her.. see what is is.. then feed her her nutes & some lemon juuice.. & see what the effected PH is.. if any at all!

WISH ME LUCK!! Haha! If anyone got any thoughts or ideas or jsut something to mention.. please do! :peace: