New Grower First grow (Devils Cream by Sweetseeds)

Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
Howdy everyone!

Starting my first grow and I'm a week into it.

The Setup

4x4x7 Grow Tent
600W Apollo HPS/MH Light
6" CanFan
6" Vivosun Carbon Filter

The soil

Organic Coast of Maine
Garden Lime
Kelp meal
Acid Mix (for Ph)
Crab Meal
Peat moss
5 Gallon Smart Pots
Pur filtered tap water

So I'm going to start this journal today but it has been a week since I planted the seeds. All of them seem to be doing fairly well to me but again, this is my first grow. Pictures will be attached. They are all measuring between one and two inches. With the one inch plant being what looks like so far as the runt of the bunch (I know she will probably catch up to her roomates). I'm using extra care with her.

Positives- Three of the plants seem to be cruising along. All seem to be growing up towards the light.

Negatives- I got a little ballsy and ratcheted my light down to the middle of my tent and turned it down to 75% for a few hours. Came back and one of the plants (second picture) looks really light colored on the leaves. Not sure if its a burn or lack of something.

Of course, any comments or advice you guys have is welcome. Happy 420 guys! Hopefully I'll have some purple beauties soon!

Pic#1- Healthiest - 2"
Pic#2- Possible light burn - 1 and a half "
Pic#3- Runt- 1"
Pic#4- Healthy- 2"


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Hey Burt

Welcome and congratulations on starting your first grow.

Find your way to live introductions and put up a link to your grow. Then find your way over to live stoners gossip and do the same. Be sure to hang out current live stoners gossip on 4/20 for seed giveaways.

Those are some serious soil amendments you have there for your first grow. Have you used that mix with other types of plants?

Anyway, your plants look healthy I don't think that second seedling is light burn at all. They will often have odd colorations when they're first starting out. With that 600 hid you could turn it down to 50% or even lower if you're able to save a little electricity. Unless of course you're trying to keep the tent warm with the light.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Thanks for the reply Jingo!

I have not used those amendments in anything as this is my first grow of any plant. I guess I should have stated that the Coast of Maine mix that I started with had no amendments in it and all of them had to be added by me as I made my own super soil. It still may be too much, you are correct. I tried to play it on the safe side by adding one extra than the guide called for. The acid mix was just because of the PH needed to be brought down a bit (found out about natural PH down by Earth Juice after the fact). Didn't want to add it but it helped bring my PH down.

About the light power, would bringing it down to 50% effect yeilds all that much? I'm sure it does effect it but I'm clueless to really how much. I would love to save some money on my electric bill while still making great yields.

Thanks for the help and comment! Much appretiated.
About the light power, would bringing it down to 50% effect yeilds all that much? I'm sure it does effect it but I'm clueless to really how much. I would love to save some money on my electric bill while still making great yields.

Thanks for the help and comment! Much appretiated.

No at this stage they need very little power, later on that 600 is going to be perfect.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
:welcome:..:welcome:.. Welcome to AFN bruv.. Everyone here's just chillin..smokin..growin..and Sharing :smokeout: WelcoMe. If you wanna tag someone.. as in to ask a question to someone particular or just to give a shoutout just tag them with @(name). Anyways.. you've Definately found the friendliest Canna zone anywhere around.. so your in good company bro.. Happy 420.
Thanks for the info Jingo. Got the 600W for future proofing so glad to hear it will be utilized. Thanks Mini! Everyone hear has been really helpfull and positive. So I aplaud you guys

Update [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - Day 9

Changes- All plants seem to be continuing to do well. The lime green tint to a couple of them has persisted (see pictures [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]), but the growth process seems to be going fine. They have now sprouted their second set of leaves. Those leaves are still in the early stages but are looking good.

Humidity- 65%
Light Cycle- 20/4


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Update #3- Day 13

Everything seems to be going very smooth. Alot of seperation between the leaf sets are now happening (Pics Below).

All plants seem to be thriving in the current conditions. Not much else going on besides height increases. Started to feed them a bit more as they are filling out more but nothing crazy.

Temp- 73-75F
Humidity- 50-60%


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Looking good man ! Its good to let the soil sit for a while before you plant ..mix it let sit for a moth or 3 and its golden. You might be ok but if you might stunt the growth with hot soil. Fingers crossed.You may want to add some myco get the brake down party started.
Hey Dab!

I actually had the soil sitting for 3 months before potting these. I planned on only two months but putting the room together took more time than I had planned so it worked out. Seeing very fast growth now it seems. I heard this strain starts off slow then blasts off so fingers crossed! Keeping a very close eye on them.