Indoor First grow: Blue Mystic/Lemon OG Haze AF, T5s, Fox Farm OF, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsi seedlings

Hey man, welcome to AFN and good luck with your first grow (although it seems you got everything under control :thumbsup:) :pass:.

Love the fact that you are growing lophophora and I love even more the fact that you would write a propagation guide for them, right on dude :woohoo1:.

Tell me, they are staying all the time in the same tent? Getting the same light as the cannabis plants?

Hey brother, thanks!

Despite the first few pics showing them in the tent I actually have them in a separate enclosure now under three 12in T5s. For the first 6 months of growth or so - T5s I've found are all you really need for them to thrive, otherwise much of the time they can develop a red/orange color or have a slight orange/red/brown discoloration due to having too much direct light/too powerful of a light. Around 3 months or so you can start acclimating them to ambient air/lesser rH and also more and more direct light, until eventually you can have them in direct sun and average rH for most of the day and they'll thrive, just takes baby steps to get there as they can be really finicky with lighting until they're matured and acclimated enough.

T5s are a godsend for germinating cacti and growing seedlings out - they love them. :D

You got a link to those T5's or any specs? Could I put a CFL with smaller output to do the same trick?
You got a link to those T5's or any specs? Could I put a CFL with smaller output to do the same trick? I have this. 6400K, 216w.

Though I'd think you could get away with just a few daylight spectrum CFL bulbs suspended closely for the first few months. Lophophoras don't need a whole lot of light their first few months - you can either do indirect natural lighting or daylight spectrum CFL/fluoros.
Just some up close shots on a couple buds. 8 weeks/1 day.

