Indoor First grow: Blue Mystic/Lemon OG Haze AF, T5s, Fox Farm OF, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsi seedlings

Also, to add to this last reply - when I decide to try grafting a couple of these loph seedlings to a pereskiopsis, and since the time window to maturity and setting seed is reduced, once they seed I can offer some free seeds if anyone is interested still when it comes time. :thumbsup:

DING haha u beat me to it by 2 sec :crying:
Welcome to AFN ... :pass:... u will love it here ;)

have you tought about grafting the lophophora williamsi(peyote) on some Echinopsis pachanoi(mescaline) aka San Pedro for added speed .. i believe this was done back in the glory days

I definitely could do that, and yeah I've talked with several people that have done it. Definitely might consider doing that [would be a beautiful site to behold]. I know though that using pereskiopsis has a great track record for producing the fastest growth, plus my one buddy has a bunch of pereskiopsis. I could just do both for comparison :greenthumb:
I definitely could do that, and yeah I've talked with several people that have done it. Definitely might consider doing that [would be a beautiful site to behold]. I know though that using pereskiopsis has a great track record for producing the fastest growth, plus my one buddy has a bunch of pereskiopsis. I could just do both for comparison :greenthumb:

just looked up the pereskiopsis and that looks like the right one for fastest growth (people are grafting san pedro on pereskiopsis) :rofl:

but the other combo just sound so much cooler ... here is my peyote/mescalin combo plant :drool:

good luck what ever u decide :bighug:

Here is some reputation to get u started :slap:
Forgot to mention this earlier on - researched a bit on LED, wanted to have something decent for the full life of the plant, so I ended up buying the Viparspectra Reflector-Series 600W with veg/bloom [like 275watt draw I think]. Figured it'd be decent for what I'm wanting to do - keep it 2-3 autos at a time growing. It seems to also be more than enough coverage for the tent I have. Gotta figure out what I'm going to use these three T5s for now lol. :pass:

Man, hanging that sucker was a PITA lol. I bought these Apollo Hort raising/lowering cables, and those proved to be pretty useless for my setup lmao, just too much work using them in order to raise or lower, so I ended up just rigging the chains, s hooks along with a few carabiners, along with the cables that came with the viparspectra. I have the light at about 18 inches or so. I'm guessing I'll adjust it up/down depending on how the plant reacts to the distance [read a few threads on people having them too close/too far, so some adjusting's necessary].

** Cool photo at the end, lighting spectrum caught coming out of the side of the tent through the mesh screen casting onto the wood floor. :cool1:



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So, before I had turned in for the night last night I checked the plants and it seems that the lemon haze's leaves have curled up quite a bit, also the blue mystic seems to have curling upwards of the leaves, though it's very slight. I've read that the leaves curling up is due to heat stress?

I know when I first installed the light yesterday i hung it at 18 inches, not realizing the power of the light, shot my plant-canopy temperature up to around 105 lmao, so I opened all the 6in ports and opened the two mesh flaps on each side of the tent. I also raised the light up a bit above the required height [24in per manual, but raised it to 30in] I have a smaller fan blowing over the canopy too. Dropped the temperature quite a bit, to around 86-87F, sometimes going up close to 90F..

So from what I've read I decided to partially open the front up like a 1/4 unzipped [the room the tents in is around 72-73F consistently, central air. Humidity is at 30%. How long does it take usually for the leaves to recover? It is heat stress that did that initially, right? And if so - did I take the right measures to get them back to health?

**Only reason I opened the tent is to get the temperature down even further - 80-81F, which it's working. I need to get an inline fan for bottom air flow and eventually get ducting and a carbon filter and an exhaust fan. Attached a couple photos.

Cheers guys :smoking:


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Well, the lemon og haze ended up having [what believe to be] a nutrient buildup in the soil, messing up the uptake of manganese. At first I thought it had been the light burn of having the heat skyrocket when I first installed the LED too close, though after several days little orange spots started to develop, along with checkered yellow patterning, which this all started at the exact time that I was using water from the hose connected to the front of the house - high iron content [lke high iron as when you put some in a clear glass it's relatively murky red/orange, highly visible], isn't run through a softener. I had read that continually adding hard water can do this, and funny enough all the symptoms/timeline matched everything that had been going on with my lemon og.

Ended up doing a multi gallon reverse osmosis water flush followed by a 1/3 diluted amount of FF grow big, which resulted in a droopy plant, though the next morning it had perked right back up. and is starting to look great. A couple days have passed since, and all the new growth has zero sign of deficiency/symptoms. Knock on wood. I really hope this is what was happening, seeing as to how my soil ph was 6.9, with watering every 5 or so days, and not much had changed in the given timeframe.

On a sidenote the blue mystic is doing very very well. :)

Blue mystic @ 3 weeks. Lemon og @ around 13 days or so.


On a brighter note I started LST on both the blue mystic and the lemon og. Figured I'll drill single holes as I go, along the rim of the pot, tying as I go. Supported near the base of the main stem, tied off, then gently began to bend the top over towards the other hole I'd drilled, tying it down as well.

How do these look, did I do alright tying them?

First 3 photos from left to right the blue mystic, which you can see the progression even just over a few hours after tying them. Then the last photo is the lemon og, which I tied just a few minutes ago.

Thank you guys.


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Hey folks, I apologize for not posting consistently enough and keeping up with this journal. The lemon og auto that I had seemed to be doing okay, though had some nute issues [which I had spoke about on here], though talking with a good friend that's grown for some time - I ended up gifting him it to take under his wing and to see what he can do with it.

So now it's just me and the blue mystic. It's going s on 4.5 weeks since sprout. I have been LST'ing the blue mystic over the past couple weeks. Seems to love it and has been really taking off. I think there's 13 or so shoots that are visible from the top, not to mention the 4-5 other shoots underneath the canopy. I've kinda ran out've room in where to tie things, though I might make a few more tie downs in attempts to keep everything somewhat level/even light distribution.

The beginning of the 3rd week i tried 1/3 strength of FF GrowBig nutes for the blue mystic and it ended up burning the tips [or what appeared to be tip burn], Was only on the older growth, never spread or went into the new growth. On weeks 4 i went 1/4 strength FF GrowBig and everything seemed to work out to a T. Going to step it up a bit more within the next couple weeks [1/3 or 1/2 strength]. Just kinda feeling it out as I go.

Alot of trial and error and alot to learn. Definitely addicting though. Here's some update pics of the blue mystic.

Also I threw in a few pics of the peyotes [currently at 2 months since germination], they're really filling out and defining themselves into that classical peyote shape. A few pics of the main clusters I started. There's several singles I didn't take pics of, only wanted to show the nice clusters. Have 20ish yotes in all. :)
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Turned off the veg light just for a moment to get a bit different of a look on the blue mystic, also it put on another inch or so. Will continue the FF Grow Big nutes til branch growth ceases, then switch to FF TigerBloom for flowering. :D

Funny how if you look to the right of the pics and notice the two big shoots going opposite direction away from the rest of the club lol, kind of odd looking. But hey I'm not complaining lol :D


