Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

DH, I found some canned organic coconut milk at TJoe's. It said processed right after harvest, ingredients only coco milk and water. Is this good for the plants or is there a different kind out there? says it can seperate and solidify under 70F. I checked our local Costco online and didn't see anything, especially green Coco milk.
DH, I found some canned organic coconut milk at TJoe's. It said processed right after harvest, ingredients only coco milk and water. Is this good for the plants or is there a different kind out there? says it can seperate and solidify under 70F. I checked our local Costco online and didn't see anything, especially green Coco milk.

Yeah bro you can use the organic coconut water but it's expensive doing it that way I use the powder. This is what i use
Thanks bro I'm just chugging along how's it going in EM world?

Slow and steady wins the race. I'm just anxious to pull my next plant but the damn trichs are still clear lol.............getting nervous with how big the girls in veg are getting LOL just under two auto COB's and the ceiling lights now for the two girls I had to leave in the doorway to the closet.
Slow and steady wins the race. I'm just anxious to pull my next plant but the damn trichs are still clear lol.............getting nervous with how big the girls in veg are getting LOL just under two auto COB's and the ceiling lights now for the two girls I had to leave in the doorway to the closet.

HAHA yeah bro thats the only thing i want to be paitent i dont want to pull anything early but seeing i dont have any smoke ill pull my sour stompers early and let skylar white and 3 bears stretch and see what they can hull. I love your veg area I'm going to start me one here soon.
HAHA yeah bro thats the only thing i want to be paitent i dont want to pull anything early but seeing i dont have any smoke ill pull my sour stompers early and let skylar white and 3 bears stretch and see what they can hull. I love your veg area I'm going to start me one here soon.

The veg area has rapidly over grown itself at this point LOL................I'm use to my old 5x9 with the 8 foot roof and forget I don't have that much room anymore :wall:
LOL how many girls do you have in there bro?

I had (4), but right now I'm rotating them in and out of the closet to get directly under the COB's in pairs. When they're not in the closet, they're in the door way and I turned on the regular over head lights to the room that are LED just to help, between that and the spillover from the closet they have been fine. I need one of my girls to finish so I can shuffle some plants around and start flower (2) of them in one tent while the rest of the auto's finish in the other tent.
I had (4), but right now I'm rotating them in and out of the closet to get directly under the COB's in pairs. When they're not in the closet, they're in the door way and I turned on the regular over head lights to the room that are LED just to help, between that and the spillover from the closet they have been fine. I need one of my girls to finish so I can shuffle some plants around and start flower (2) of them in one tent while the rest of the auto's finish in the other tent.

LOL sounds a bushful of problems :pass: