Lighting First Grow Auto Cobb 55w Mephisto No Till

3BOG Day 67


Skylar White Day 67

Yeah these two did a lot better than my sour stompers probably due to my first grow errors but overall I'm happy!
Don't give up on the stompers. To date auto and photo that was by far my favorite strain to grow with the frostiest buds too. Unmatched quality.
Don't give up on the stompers. To date auto and photo that was by far my favorite strain to grow with the frostiest buds too. Unmatched quality.

Yeah i don't what happened they were looking great then something happened they lost they're smell I think it was high humidity. Until I figure that out I've been running my lights 24/7! My humidity spikes to 80% during lights out. Stays between 50%-60% with the lights on.
Yeah i don't what happened they were looking great then something happened they lost they're smell I think it was high humidity. Until I figure that out I've been running my lights 24/7! My humidity spikes to 80% during lights out. Stays between 50%-60% with the lights on.

It's not easy inside a sealed tent. All that water in and no way for it to escape. I'm sure you keep it as dry as possible in there but I did have similar issues until I analyzed every inch of my room. Ocassionally I would have a bit of water in the saucers, didn't have my reservoir lid sealed properly, small things like this that were fixed up really made a big difference.
Hey DH.. I stumbled across your journal and I know this grow is long over but I'm on a grow that's quite similar. So I just wanted to say good job and awesome journal! Hope the smoke turned out good!!

Happy Growing !!