New Grower First grow and new to the network...

The ladies this morning:

GG, her buds seemed to get taller overnight. Watching her closely for signs of dampness or light stress:

NL1, in her new spot at the front of the tent. No reason for the move other than I was doing some work on them and it’s the order they went back in:


The NLs look like uncontrolled monsters but things are actually quite neat under the canopy. I’ve been defoliating any leaves that donget light and tucking the rest. I also feel a lot more comfortable removing sections that aren’t going to see appreciable light to limit popcorn and let them focus on what matters.

I turned the heat back on in the tent room and moved the lights back from 18/6 to 20/4 and the girls are back to sucking down a gallon a day each. Will a 24/0 light schedule help the girls to mature faster? Especially GG? I know this is penny wise and pound foolish, but I want my harvest and I want it yesterday LOL.

This week I finished fine tuning and testing the auto top off tank that Man O Green has been helping me with. My prototype bucket is functioning beautifully and by about Wednesday this week I guess I’ll have 4 buckets connected to the reservoir. That’ll give me a good 2+ weeks to handle any last minute kinks before my 5 day mini vacation.
Looking good, DG! Start getting your trimming team together, cause you are going to need them with these monsters!

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Looking good, DG! Start getting your trimming team together, cause you are going to need them with these monsters!

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It looks like the freaking amazon in there, wow. Those plants are beasts. I know what you mean about getting impatient and the seemingly endless flowering, however from the looks of it you will be heavily rewarded. Great job so far!
Looks gorgeous Tyler. That’s a helluva plant right there. You must be thrilled.

Do you think I should defoliate her at all?

The question was not for me but please allow my lame self to chime in too!

Personally (Can't stress this enough!), I would remove as many fan leaves that are blocking even half a budsite. Those growing on outer edges of pot should be left alone as backup nutes cos they dont bother no one and can show you a signal of the end when they yellow. Besides that, I have noticed light on budsites trumps all other light needs. Another major reason for me is bug/mold/rot prevention/ easier to spot.

You are gonna be one very happy lady soon! Lol
The question was not for me but please allow my lame self to chime in too!

Personally (Can't stress this enough!), I would remove as many fan leaves that are blocking even half a budsite. Those growing on outer edges of pot should be left alone as backup nutes cos they dont bother no one and can show you a signal of the end when they yellow. Besides that, I have noticed light on budsites trumps all other light needs. Another major reason for me is bug/mold/rot prevention/ easier to spot.

You are gonna be one very happy lady soon! Lol
I appreciate ALL the help I can get. Thanks for answering my question. Very concerned about moisture as it’s pretty dense in there just with bud on bud.
Looks gorgeous Tyler. That’s a helluva plant right there. You must be thrilled.

Do you think I should defoliate her at all?
I would If it was me the pics of mine were right after her haircut. I like to defoliate early in flower to help light get to the bud sites but I also train my plants for a even canopy which makes it easier to defoliate in my opinion. Don't take more than a 1/3 of the leaves it will hurt your yield. I was against cutting leaves for a long time and still somewhat am with autos. But with thick bushy plants like gorilla glue it's almost needed.