New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic


I was really nervous when I was making my way to the grow site. For all I knew the girls could be dead. It turns out I was worrying for nothing! The plants had not only survived but they had in fact grown a little despite getting absolutely no sunlight for a week and having to put up with nearly freezing night temperatures. There were absolutely no signs of further damage from nutrient burns. The dark gunk on the AKR's stem is just soil. Here are the AKR and the NL respectively.



Peeling away the plastic wrap was like unwrapping a Christmas present! The plastic fantastic DIY greenhouse contraption had functioned beyond all my expectations. I think the temperature was actually a few degrees warmer inside it.

Also, say hello to girl #3, everyone! :grin:


Let's just say I had decided to prepare for the worst. Since it was only the end of May, I thought I'd have just enough time to try growing one more plant. I also had (and still have) multiple seeds left so what the hell, right? I just didn't feel like going through the ordeal of acquiring "proper" growing medium discreetly so I just ransacked our compost bin. The Pottenstein is made from two plastic pots I found lying around and deemed too small. I cut the middle of the inner pot off, raised it with about two inches of compost between the two pots and shimmed the pots firm with small stones. Hopefully that'll make it possible for the taproot to burrow deeper into the medium.

Oh, she's a Northern Lights Automatic, BTW.

As for the compost, it drains relatively well with little to no compression going on. It is rather mushy and doesn't seem particularly finished but it's brown, it crumbles and it gives a mild earthy aroma which is good enough in my book. The questionable looking stuff is mainly uncomposted eggshells.
I would have applied perlite if I had any. Instead I just moistened it with water, molasses and milk (yeah, milk) about 24+ hours in before planting and let it sit.

There is no sign of sex on either of the plants yet? Should I be worried?

The compost might attract snails, larvae etc. Should I move girl #3 further from the other two?
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That is great news! good to know things are going well. The critical Jack that I had growing on my window with very little light looks like a week behind her sister that has been all this time indoor. But she seem to be healthy so you should get a good outcome but a bit later. hope the weather gets better.
Yeah, the weather should be really warm and sunny in the foreseeble future.

The thing I don't understand however is the way getting stunted affects the outcome of autoflowers. Up until now I've thought they simply live to be smaller but could they actually slow down age-wise? Or would my plants be bigger in size but just as mature if they were grown in ideal conditions?
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Still no sign of sex! The plants are 4 and a half weeks old now but they look like 2 weeks. Do they want to look ready to preflower before they do? Is it possible to mess up the ruderalis genetics so that they won't autoflower at all? In any case, they're growing more vigorously by the day.

Here's the Afghan Kush Ryder


And here's the Northern Lights Automatic


Girl #3 hasn't broken the surface yet, it's been 4 days now and I'm getting doubtful. I had a sheet of plastic wrap on her for humidity which caused the compost to get warm and start to smell a little. Maybe the unfinished compost is too much?
Poor things :( At least now ya know not t give them ale until they're 18 ;) Hopefully they'll start gettin their grow on f ya the now. Don't give up on #3 just yet. I had a northern that I pre-germed in 24 hour water And paper towel and it still took 3 days t show it lil head after being planted :) All the best Monsieur Wiener :sharing one:
Just gave the girls some water from a nearby stream. The water had a pH of approximately 7.5. Should compensate the overly acidic soil nicely and provide some organic nutrients, too.

Two days has passed from the last inspection. AKR was notably taller, NL had grown some too. Both had developed their first set of 5-fingered leaves. No balls or pistils yet.
#3 was also watered quite lightly around the seed. She's probably dead, though. :(

Afghan Kush Ryder < >Northern Lights Automatic


Both of the plants have grown a lot lately and it's really exciting to watch. Today I noticed stipules on both of the plants. It's progress but I don't think it's a sign of preflowering by any means.


And here's some foliage growth!

They look Awesome!....Slow, but awesome! :)
Looking good. I usually find that they will show their sex around when they have grown their fifth set of true leaves. Whilst I appreciate that under the highly controlled conditions of an indoor grow this will be a fairly consistent time period, in the great outdoors its definitely the stage of development rather than days that counts. Once it shows sex it will also enter the main vegetative growth stage, so give it grow nutrients (high N) for a larger plant. I think you've probably just reached the exciting bit, well done so far.