New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic

Today is a great day! My friend went to visit the plants and sent me some pictures. The AKR finally sprouted yesterday by the looks of her!

2014-05-06 19.27.52-2.jpg

I'm really happy because I thought I had killed her with the whole tweezer ordeal Woops

The Northern Lights was doing great too. She was a bit taller than when I'd last seen her.
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Good good, thats about the same stage as my NL are at ATM :Sharing One:

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Good good, thats about the same stage as my NL are at ATM :Sharing One:
Home sweet home! The girls have soon survived their first week and they are looking quite fancy if I may say so.
However, it seems trouble is brewing. The Northern Lights is suffering from a case of stretching. It has been awfully cloudy lately. The entire upcoming week will be rainy which really worries me. I've had the fan blowing a few hours here and there for a total of about 12 hours a day up until now, but I guess I'll have to leave it on 24/7 with a few short breaks. Any advice regarding stretching and how to fight it would be great!


The Afghan Kush Ryder seems a bit more stout. Not only is it a lot shorter but its stem seems a tiny bit thicker than the NL's.


The warm lighting is courtesy of my shitty desk lamp with an 11W fluorescent bulb. You haven't seen pathetic until you have seen what I'm desperately trying to give my plants life support with. I'm trying to keep it as close to the plants as possible.

Fucking Scandinavian weather :)
Hey man, whats up. Glad you came to a :vibes:"AFN smoke out" place.
Great place to start, as there are very helpful and courteous people. Which seems to be lacking in other places I’ve visited.

Good luck with your grow. Keep learning and don’t forget to hang around for a while ;-)

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Hey man, whats up. Glad you came to a :vibes:"AFN smoke out" place.
Great place to start, as there are very helpful and courteous people. Which seems to be lacking in other places I’ve visited.

Good luck with your grow. Keep learning and don’t forget to hang around for a while ;-)

As I expected, the plants hadn't really grown a lot during the week. They had barely had any sunlight. Fortunately the weather is supposed to drastically change for the better in the upcoming days. The temperature was only 5 degrees celsius last night but it was a great chance to get the plants where they should be as easily as possible. They seemed to survive the night just fine even if the dip in temperature did come as a shock to them. Once the sun is up they'll have plenty of direct light and warmth.

I snuck the plants out of the house around midnight. We then met up with my friend and we gathered all the supplies and started making our way to the grow location. It was dark enough to not be seen and just light enough to tell your arse from your elbow. Everything was quiet.

Once we were there we started planning the layout. The fence we had scavenged was generously tall but we only had about 4 meters of it so we ended up with an elliptical shape. We buried the pots about half-way into the ground and removed any rotting foliage and root bits from inside the fence.

This is what the outcome looked like. We were both pretty happy with it.

IMG_0523.jpg IMG_0524.jpg

As the pictures suggest it had already started getting light by the time we were all done. We packed our bags and headed back stopping a few times to take in the scenery. The morning dew gilded by the first rays of sunlight were really a sight to behold in the deserted stillness.

I think the plants are now fairly protected from the bigger critters in the woods. However, little pests (snails in particular) pose an ongoing threat.
As always, any advice is greatly appreciated! :grin:
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Just visited the site to check if the first 24 hours had gone well. Planted some dog fur around the place, too.

Oh, and I took some higher quality photos.

nakkimetsä 1.2.jpg nakkimetsä1.1.jpg

And here are the girls. They're both rather crooked but they're already looking a lot healthier than they did indoors. The leaf on the AKR has had the shriveled tip for a while now, so I'm not too worried. I will start feeding them on Friday. Until then they'll get to squeeze out the last of the juices in the soil.

NL vk2.jpg AKR vk2.jpg

Everywhere I look I find 2-week-old plants that have developed a lot further. I wonder if these ladies will catch up? Remains to be seen.
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There seems to be something wrong with the girls. I went to check on them and deliver some water just now and saw some weird symptoms.

The grooves of the far left side leaf on the NL have whitened. I turned the leaf upside down and there were a few black specks. The whitening isn't a sign of spider mites, though, so it can also be soil. I also looked it up on the deficiency chart and nothing came up.


The shriveled leaf tip on the AKR had gone brown with a layer of white separating it from the healthy green.


Other than that they have grown a reasonable amount considering it's only been 4 days since I last saw them. They both were sprinkled with pollen from nearby trees so I tried to clean them a little with a few drops of water.
What could be wrong with them? My best guess is damage from the very first nights when it was really cold.
Probably nothing to worry about.
If you are growing them outside, they are going to have lots of strange scars and such. Unless the seem to suffering in growth, it probably isn't anything to worry over.
Like your avatar, that is something to worry over- very disturbing- very. :bong: I will have to do this just to erase the image from my mind. poor me
Ha! My avatar is merely a little joke of my friend and mine that tracks back to primary school. It also happens to be what we call our grow site. Wienerwoods. Sorry if you find it disturbing (I do too)

The growth might be stunted a bit, but for obvious reasons. In my mind if the scars are connected to all that it's all good. But thanks for the reassurance. I will sleep a bit easier tonight :)