New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic

Yes man they look good and healthy. I have a similar problem to you as I freak out really easy every time I see anything thats not perfect on my girls.

Keep in mind that at the end of the day cannabis is weed so they are really strong plants capable of standing a fair bit of mistakes. They respond extremely quick to any adversity, so if something is wrong you usually see very obvious responses from the leafs. I will suggest you relax and don't worry too much. Just keep posting pics about twice a week and if there is something to worry about here is a bunch of good people with a lot of experience that will let you know if you should do something.

Enjoy the journey, growing cannabis is a great experience with a rewarding outcome :grin:
I've burned my plants! Help!

Temperatures are getting FUBAR this week and I had my friend shelter the girls from the cold and rain. But an accident has already occurred.

I fed the plants for the first time yesterday. I gave them a mild (or so I thought) infusion of nutes with just a little bit of molasses. They were both given 1,5 liters at which point the soil gives a bit of runoff. Both bottles contained about 10 drops (or 0,5 ml) of each nutrient (micro, grow, bloom from GHE Flora series) and I thought it was all good because the plants have been going for 3 weeks and the recommended amount on the back of the bottles is 2,5 ml of each per 10 liters (cutting stage, weeks 1 and 2). It was quite an outburst of stupidity, I know. I don't know what I was thinking.

My friend, who wrapped the whole grow in saran wrap (all we could come up with with such a short notice), took a few pictures. He said the Northern Lights looked the same to him as it did at the time of watering, but it's the picture he took of the Afghan Kush Ryder that worries me. The cotyledons are burned. It also looks like there are white spots on the 3-toed leaves but he recalls them being just water drops. I'll let the picture speak for itself. Note that it was taken only 24 hours after the feeding.

2014-05-26 18.04.48.jpg

It's too late for him to go back to perform a flush so there's nothing really to be done until Friday except for damage assessment. Are the girls as good as dead?
fed the plants for the first time yesterday. I gave them a mild (or so I thought) infusion of nutes with just a little bit of molasses. They were both given 1,5 liters at which point the soil gives a bit of runoff. Both bottles contained about 10 drops (or 0,5 ml) of each nutrient (micro, grow, bloom from GHE Flora series) and I thought it was all good because the plants have been going for 3 weeks and the recommended amount on the back of the bottles is 2,5 ml of each per 10 liters (cutting stage, weeks 1 and 2). It was quite an outburst of stupidity, I know. I don't know what I was thinking.

Poor baby:(
You def. burned her and I would say it's because you fed her. You definitely don't need to be giving her bloom nutes yet, that doesn't usually come until upward growth has stopped and flowering has taken over. I have used that same line of nutes and have only used the micro one time so IMO I don't think the micro was needed either. It looks like you're in soil, and normally soil has an ample amount of nutes in it as it is. I haven't gone through your grow to find out what you're using but I wouldn't have fed, even mild growth nutes until she had at least 3 sets of fans.

I wish I had more of something to tell you to do to remedy but Im almost positive someone will be along to do so.
when you and or your buddy put saran wrap over the plants, are you poking holes so that the babies can breathe?
Im not sure why no one has mentioned it, with the exception of you, that your babies look really stunted/small for their age. Autos usually show their sex between 2-3 weeks and are typically much larger. I would say you're a little more than a week behind - growth wise, in my experience.
Auto's I've grown between 14-18 days -20140329_121531.jpg20140521_121041.jpg20140308_114543.jpg20140225_101051 (1).jpg
I noticed no one answered your question with regards to stretching. SO.
I've never grown out doors, but plants don't need to be outside to stretch lol I don't so much have the problem anymore, but indoors if they stretch during veg its because the lights are too far away. inside the answer is easy - move your lights closer. Outside is an entirely different venue for me, since you cant exactly move the sun closer lol what I CAN tell you tho, is the more your plant stretches, the weaker the stem is going to be, and once you start to flower, it may lean/and or/ topple over under the weight its putting on. so some solutions I've come across are 1-tying the plant to a stake for stability and 2- adding more soil to the top of what is there now. So hypothetically speaking, you would add an inch of soil that will cover an inch of your main stem adding stability. I like the 2nd method since the plant will actually grow new roots.

I hope this is helping at least a little.
I would say the same I said before. Don't worry.. be happy.

You sure have burn it but so did I. I learned that I should not feed nothing and even to think about getting a milder soil for the start of my plants for the first weeks as this has slowed the growth. However, you can see on my journal that they still show signs of the harm done but they keep growing. I think just feed PHed water for her next feed and wait until she starts growing properly to give her the first feed (you will know when this happens because she will be twice as big in a single day.

- - - Updated - - -

I would say the same I said before. Don't worry.. be happy.

You sure have burn it but so did I. I learned that I should not feed nothing and even to think about getting a milder soil for the start of my plants for the first weeks as this has slowed the growth. However, you can see on my journal that they still show signs of the harm done but they keep growing. I think just feed PHed water for her next feed and wait until she starts growing properly to give her the first feed (you will know when this happens because she will be twice as big in a single day.
when you and or your buddy put saran wrap over the plants, are you poking holes so that the babies can breathe?
Im not sure why no one has mentioned it, with the exception of you, that your babies look really stunted/small for their age. Autos usually show their sex between 2-3 weeks and are typically much larger. I would say you're a little more than a week behind - growth wise, in my experience.
Auto's I've grown between 14-18 days -View attachment 354868View attachment 354869View attachment 354867View attachment 354866
I noticed no one answered your question with regards to stretching. SO.
I've never grown out doors, but plants don't need to be outside to stretch lol I don't so much have the problem anymore, but indoors if they stretch during veg its because the lights are too far away. inside the answer is easy - move your lights closer. Outside is an entirely different venue for me, since you cant exactly move the sun closer lol what I CAN tell you tho, is the more your plant stretches, the weaker the stem is going to be, and once you start to flower, it may lean/and or/ topple over under the weight its putting on. so some solutions I've come across are 1-tying the plant to a stake for stability and 2- adding more soil to the top of what is there now. So hypothetically speaking, you would add an inch of soil that will cover an inch of your main stem adding stability. I like the 2nd method since the plant will actually grow new roots.

I hope this is helping at least a little.

Yep, the saran wrap does have lots of holes so it won't collapse when it rains and the plants will have some air circulation. I'm well aware of the stunted growth. A little over a week is what I reckon as well, and I think I know just about why. They've started picking up the pace recently so I wasn't too worried until today. If I stunted them once more with the nutes I might as well go for the smallest autoflower 2014 if I haven't outright killed them.

But yeah, as I've stated elsewhere, I'm primarily interested to see the plants through their natural life span as well as I can. Yield is just a bonus value during the first grow. I think the soil I'm using, LightMix by BioBizz has to be somewhere among the least hot soils out there. Thank you for your input!

I would say the same I said before. Don't worry.. be happy.

You sure have burn it but so did I. I learned that I should not feed nothing and even to think about getting a milder soil for the start of my plants for the first weeks as this has slowed the growth. However, you can see on my journal that they still show signs of the harm done but they keep growing. I think just feed PHed water for her next feed and wait until she starts growing properly to give her the first feed (you will know when this happens because she will be twice as big in a single day.

- - - Updated - - -

I would say the same I said before. Don't worry.. be happy.

You sure have burn it but so did I. I learned that I should not feed nothing and even to think about getting a milder soil for the start of my plants for the first weeks as this has slowed the growth. However, you can see on my journal that they still show signs of the harm done but they keep growing. I think just feed PHed water for her next feed and wait until she starts growing properly to give her the first feed (you will know when this happens because she will be twice as big in a single day.

Yeah, I think I'm going back to my original plan which is to feed only when the plant specifically requests to be fed. As for the water I was thinking of using water from a nearby stream. It is swamp water and has some humus in it (brownish color). The pH is just above 7 according to the pH test kit provided with the nutrients.

I might still be able to start over and harvest in time but I think I'll just roll with these ladies. If anything I'm frustrated about how I managed to burn them just when the temperatures reach their all-time low (2 degrees celsius). I hope they won't hermie.

It's a learning curve.

Thanks for the advice!
Dont worry man. My first grow was one big frustration with plenty of major mistakes. I probably could have saved it, but I killed it to not risk infestation of new seeds I was going to plant. (which is my current grow).

This second grow has been WAY less stressful. Only mistake I made was over watering in the beginning, and my first half of the seeds I planted I put in hot soil. I have 2 remaining of the orginal 4 planted in hot soil.(They died and or were to stunted because of a record high heat wave. That hit twice.) The 2 are doing great. Then I got 2 in the non hot soil which are doing well. Basically what Im saying is. Now that I look back. Im happy I made so many mistakes, and had to deal with pest infestations my first grow. IMHO. Its the main reason why I believe that this grow is doing good. Could have been a lot better if I wasnt such a noob. Though, I still got 4 Healthy plants. Which was my goal.

So, trust me man. All the nagative things that happen in a grow is what really helps give a boost to your learning curve. So long you stay determined to grow yourself some fine cannabis, and supporting your cannabis needs to help you save a lot in the financial department.

Keep on growing brother. Its worth it IMHO. Its an investment. As we know with investing. There is not always an immediate return.

:karma Cloud:
Dont worry man. My first grow was one big frustration with plenty of major mistakes. I probably could have saved it, but I killed it to not risk infestation of new seeds I was going to plant. (which is my current grow).

This second grow has been WAY less stressful. Only mistake I made was over watering in the beginning, and my first half of the seeds I planted I put in hot soil. I have 2 remaining of the orginal 4 planted in hot soil.(They died and or were to stunted because of a record high heat wave. That hit twice.) The 2 are doing great. Then I got 2 in the non hot soil which are doing well. Basically what Im saying is. Now that I look back. Im happy I made so many mistakes, and had to deal with pest infestations my first grow. IMHO. Its the main reason why I believe that this grow is doing good. Could have been a lot better if I wasnt such a noob. Though, I still got 4 Healthy plants. Which was my goal.

So, trust me man. All the nagative things that happen in a grow is what really helps give a boost to your learning curve. So long you stay determined to grow yourself some fine cannabis, and supporting your cannabis needs to help you save a lot in the financial department.

Keep on growing brother. Its worth it IMHO. Its an investment. As we know with investing. There is not always an immediate return.

:karma Cloud:
Oh, I absolutely agree that the first grow is really one big "learning by experience"..experience lol. my first grow was horrendous.
I grew 2 photo period bagseeds (with only a vague guess as to what strain I'd found them in) and they were over stretched, had no drainage, root bound, had pH/nute problems, root rot, fungus gnats AND had two plants in the same planter and harvested them both entirely too early (after just 6 weeks of flowering when they should've been left 10 or 11.) and barely got a zip of crap immature buds But it forced me to do a lot of research and you can't read experience.
I was in no way trying to cut down his grow or his plants...(dun dun dun chhhh no pun ;p). like i said, i dont have much experience myself and none growing outdoors. But in case there are future grows, imho, i gave some pretty solid information to have lol.
@ wheredaweedat
Yea, I agree. You actually gave some(imho) sound advice.

lol you can only laugh, specially when I did pretty terribad on my first grow.

The way he explained it was pretty comical. Thanks for that. I always enjoy a good laugh. :smoke: