New Grower FIRST GROW - Afghan Kush Ryder and Northern Lights Automatic

8 (and a half) WEEKS IN

I need an expert to tell me what's wrong with the Afghan Kush Ryder. She's getting more and more yellow. This photo should give a general impression of the problem:


I'd imagine it's nitrogen deficiency. I gave her a fair dose of micro and grow. These last few weeks of cold weather and endless rain can't have done her any favors either, she could just be more susceptible to cold than the Northern Lights, which would make sense.
She has also started to form the main budsite by the looks of it. Does this mean she won't grow bigger?


Something has been munching on the lower leaves for over a month now and this is what they've done to the Northern Lights in that time (the black crap is just random debris):


I don't think it's particularly worrying but I see no harm in taking precautions.
Maybe a friendly reminder with some pyrethrin would give them that little nudge towards a different supply of midnight snacks?

Other than that the plants have endured. So far the Northern Lights seems a lot more hardy of a plant and is a giant compared to her sister. Nature will for once be cutting them some slack as warm and sunny weathers are but a few days away.



Apologies for the blurry pictures. It's getting really hard to take steady shots because of the mosquitoes. But there's a silver lining to it :)
Hi WW :)

I've grown lots of AKR in soil, but never outdoors. They don't like the cold and thrive up to 35C.

She is tiny for 8 weeks, i would say N-deficiency is the problem, the rain is probably washing away what you feed her.

She should be on 4ml/L of grow nutes by now, and should have been on 1ml/L at start of week 2.

You've obviously read-up on the growing process and all that you lack is an experienced eye, you're doing very well.

I have over a gig of grow books if you want to PM me for the link (on mediafire so no security worries!).

Glad to see you're not bothering with CO2 feeding any more, it would either blow away or sink into the soil, suffocating the roots.

CO2 is only any good in a double-sealed box/room with advanced control and monitoring hardware.

I have just transplanted an AKR from hydro to a pot in order to put her outdoors tomorrow (she had a bad start - check my current grow in sig), will be interesting to compare.

So, yes, get more N in there! Try 3ml/L if you aren't already that high, and get some bio silicon to increase her pest resistance and cellular strength :

I'm assuming you're in the UK due to your use of language? If not i'm sure there are similar silicon products available in your area.

PM me any time with questions :)

All the best,

Hi WW :)

I've grown lots of AKR in soil, but never outdoors. They don't like the cold and thrive up to 35C.

She is tiny for 8 weeks, i would say N-deficiency is the problem, the rain is probably washing away what you feed her.

She should be on 4ml/L of grow nutes by now, and should have been on 1ml/L at start of week 2.

You've obviously read-up on the growing process and all that you lack is an experienced eye, you're doing very well.

I have over a gig of grow books if you want to PM me for the link (on mediafire so no security worries!).

Glad to see you're not bothering with CO2 feeding any more, it would either blow away or sink into the soil, suffocating the roots.

CO2 is only any good in a double-sealed box/room with advanced control and monitoring hardware.

I have just transplanted an AKR from hydro to a pot in order to put her outdoors tomorrow (she had a bad start - check my current grow in sig), will be interesting to compare.

So, yes, get more N in there! Try 3ml/L if you aren't already that high, and get some bio silicon to increase her pest resistance and cellular strength :

I'm assuming you're in the UK due to your use of language? If not i'm sure there are similar silicon products available in your area.

PM me any time with questions :)

All the best,


Alright, some great advice here! I'll be taking it easy with the nutrients since, interestingly enough both of the plants have gotten burnt during the rainy weeks with absolutely no feeding at all. I don't live in the UK, English is my second language. I'll look for the bio-silicon from local vendors. I've also heard good things about neem oil but it's out of stock everywhere and it's rather expensive as well.

Here's hoping the rise in temperatures is going to make things interesting again. :Sharing One:
Your English is excellent, better than a lot of 17 year olds here in the UK !

9 weeks in

The weather has been great for the last few days. Both of the plants are clearly happier.

The Afghan Kush Ryder has gotten a bit of her colors back, but her growth is still pretty negligible. I'm working on acquiring some epsom salt because the dark veins on her leaves suggest a magnesium deficiency (and because nobody here sells botanicare cal-mag :/). She received some more micro today as well.


As for the Northern Lights Automatic, she just keeps on growing:


I sprayed both of the plants with pyrethrin. There were a few bugs on the NL who volunteered for testing the effectiveness. The results were negative... for the bugs. :twist:

I'm still a bit confused about the cause of the rust spots. They seem to have stopped spreading but I'd still like to know why they appeared in the first place. Here's a pic:


And one more picture of the girls together. Makes me feel a bit sorry for the AKR, really.


Oh, and the lens cap diameter used for size reference here is 67mm.
looking good man she looks nice and healthy, the spots look like when i sprayed a bit of nutes on a leaf, but i could be wrong, just a thought.
p.s. the big one looks healthy that is, the small one will bounce back.
Fantastic news! The Afghan Kush Ryder seems to finally be recovering from the nitrogen deficiency. She has gotten her grow on already!
She's still a bit pale but it's nothing major. Plus the foliar feeding didn't leave her burned so that's a great thing.


Both of the girls received a feeding as well. The Northern Lights is doing just fine at the moment so I gave her only 1/3 of what I gave the AKR. I discovered that the bloom nutrient has some magnesium in it so I slipped some in there as well (micro:bloom 2:1).

Speaking of the Northern Lights, she's getting pretty massive..


And here's one more rather pornographic picture of the Afghan Kush Ryder bathing in the sun,


Have a good one, folks!
"... volunteered for testing the effectiveness." ;+}

Glad the AKR is recovering, how tall are your pots ?

Also, the leaves with the black rust spots, if they are orange-ish underneath then it's a fungus that i've forgotten the name of so fungicide is in order.

All the best,

"... volunteered for testing the effectiveness." ;+}

Glad the AKR is recovering, how tall are your pots ?

Also, the leaves with the black rust spots, if they are orange-ish underneath then it's a fungus that i've forgotten the name of so fungicide is in order.

All the best,


They're 25x25x26 cm so I believe 26 cm is the height. Thanks for the heads up on the fungus. I've heard of it before but now that I know how to tell it apart from other ailments I'll be sure to take another look.