Hi there, nice set up!
I just came across this diary and thought I'd chime in as you're making some of the same errors I was! Firstly, you're stressing too much! They look fine so don't freak out about them.
The environment is sound and as you say the PH is good, although for seedlings they can be a touch fussy, you want to be between 5.8 and 6.0, not above and not below.
Most importantly, what's the ppm prior to adding the cal-mag? They look like they've very underfed to me. 500ppm is recommended but you can shoot a little higher without frying them. I have some seedlings now that are needing 700ppm. It's not a set formula, they're hungry and they're telling they need feeding.
As others have mentioned, coco is not soil and contains absolutely nada, they need a little food from the get go.
I would also look at some sort of root feed. GH is hugely lacking in this department. Grab yourself some Great White (or something similar) asap and get feeding those roots. It's too late to mix in the medium but they're pretty much all water soluble too.
How is your tap water? For a first grow i wouldnt stress too much using RO etc, it can complicate things and depending on the quality of your water, it can actually provide quite a useful buffer.
If you can be bothered, I would also do away with any sort of system and get watering them by hand. You'll develop a much better feeling for the plant's needs and form a closer bond. It's great to have a system should you need it, but automating things from the get go will restrict you long term and you'll probably take longer to get the hang of anything.
I'm not the first person to say "keep it simple" here, but really, keep it simple!
Also ignore everything that General Hydroponics say to do, they give terrible advice, but it sounds like you've already ignored the label so that's something!
You might wanna keep the seedlings under domes (clear cups) too, they like it humid and as you've planed directly into the final pots, they might be finding things a little dry.
Anyways, you're doing well so don't worry about it too much, they'll be fine with a little more food.
I'll take your invite to follow along too!