New Grower First ever grow using bomb seeds cherry bomb auto!!!

Jan 23, 2017
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Right this is my first ever grow, I have knowledge of growing and have helped numerous family members and friends with their grows so I'm not a total beginner. I'll start with my equipment which consists :-
Ph meter and ppm meter
2x grow tents - 1= 40x40x120 (cm) thought it was going to be bigger, I should have done more research so I had to get another which is 80x80x160
My pots are the root nurse fabric pots.
I'm using a 50/50 mix of canna coco and perlite.
When they are big enough I will be feeding them canna A+B I've also got cannazym and I've ordered some canna cal/mag.
I'm using a 300w ufo led light for the 40x40x120 tent but have got 2 mars hydro 600w led lights for the 80x80x160.
Air circulation is quite good in my room so I've only got 1 clip on fan in the small tent I'll get more when I erect the bigger one and smell isn't really a problem so I've gave the carbon filter a miss for now.
Right now time for the seedlings I have one unknown in the small tent at the minute it is 3 days old and is looking healthy (I think! Haha I'll put some pictures up so everyone can give me their opinions) I'll also find out what seed it is as I forgotten, I've also got 3 cherry bomb by bomb seeds in germination ready for the bigger tent. There may have been things I have forgotten but I will be updating this thread daily/bi daily with pictures and questions, which leads me to my first question its about cal/mag I'd just like to know if I actually need it I've already ordered some but I've been doing a lot of reading and can't really find a straight answer, at the moment I'm just watering her with ph 5.8 water with a ppm reading of between 125-145 it changes daily, now I've heard to only use calmag if the water has a really low ppm reading would this be correct? Thanks in advance for any replies. UPDATE - the seedling pictured is a blimburn seeds northern auto, my cherry bombs are germinating I'll add pics when they arrive
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Im n dwc in i use it (2.5ml) every gal..wile in veg you may not need it as much but in flower i personaly think its a must..when i add water back between tote changes if i dont use it ill get spotting.but mine r all nute hogs
Its damn near impossible to giv them too much cal/mag also..
Im n dwc in i use it (2.5ml) every gal..wile in veg you may not need it as much but in flower i personaly think its a must..when i add water back between tote changes if i dont use it ill get spotting.but mine r all nute hogs
Thanks for the swift reply, would it be the same measurments as growing in coco/perlite? I read something somewhere and the guy was saying 1ml of cal mag to 250ml of water, I'm using a pint glass to water at the minute as she's the only one and she's still small.
I had a bit of an argument with my calmag and my lady (née ladies, tear), and still seem to be in the catch up end of helping, but at least it isn't getting worse. As near as I can tell, you just kinda guess where your levels/dosing need to be, watch and react?? Probably not the most stellar advice, but that's what I've garnered from my readings.


Welcome and happy growing!:pass:
I had a bit of an argument with my calmag and my lady (née ladies, tear), and still seem to be in the catch up end of helping, but at least it isn't getting worse. As near as I can tell, you just kinda guess where your levels/dosing need to be, watch and react?? Probably not the most stellar advice, but that's what I've garnered from my readings.


Welcome and happy growing!:pass:
Yeah I think I'll take that advice and just watch and grow I think I'll start off with about 1ml cal mag for a pint of water for a week then up it to 1.5 ml for the week after and see how she does I think she's doing okay up to now but she's only been above ground for 3 days
Hey smoke

Good luck with your grow. You definitely need Cal Mag when you're using Coco. In fact, you should really pre-charge your Coco with Cal Mag before he even put a seedling into it. You also can not water with just plain water for a Seedling in Coco, you must use nutrients in your water right from the very beginning.

I pulled a stoner bonehead move and forgot to pre charge my coco with nutrients on my last grow. Had a very rough start because of that. I did already have the Cal Mag in the Coco though.

If you want to look at that ugly start and how well things perked up after I started feeding. The link is in my signature it's the fast buds grow.
Hey smoke

Good luck with your grow. You definitely need Cal Mag when you're using Coco. In fact, you should really pre-charge your Coco with Cal Mag before he even put a seedling into it. You also can not water with just plain water for a Seedling in Coco, you must use nutrients in your water right from the very beginning.

I pulled a stoner bonehead move and forgot to pre charge my coco with nutrients on my last grow. Had a very rough start because of that. I did already have the Cal Mag in the Coco though.

If you want to look at that ugly start and how well things perked up after I started feeding. The link is in my signature it's the fast buds grow.
Hey thanks man, what do you recommend I pre charge it with? I have canna a+B and cannazym to hand I've got some cal mag arriving in the next day or two. Thanks for telling me this as I've got 3 cherry bombs germinating this very moment so I'll be able to pre charge my coco/perlite mix for these, I'll also be changing form the canna coco to playgron coco. Could you recommend something to pre charge with and recommend any dosages, any tips and information will be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I use a completely different line of nutrients General Hydroponics nutrients. I just pre charged with the minimum seedling feed. I think a lot of UK Growers use that cannazym as a pre-charged or maybe it's great white. Well I guess I can't remember. Anyway, if you could figure out whatever the seedling dose was for your canna a+b and use that at half dose and just run it all the way through your Coco get good runoff then that'll probably sit you fine until you get your Cal Mag.