New Grower First ever grow: RQS AK-47, Northen Lights, Dwarf under 300W LED

Good Luck!!

Also, just wondering. I too am growing Northern Lights. I'm interested how yours progress. Yours looks pretty good. Could you inform its height here? Mines short and bushy.

Yeah it is pretty short, it's about 50cm right now and very bushy. I guess the strain is like that (plus Ruderalis to make it an auto of course). However as the seed bank said it should reach 80cm at least, maybe the LEDs are to blame as well. I've read that LEDs generally result in shorter plants.

Anyhow, it seems like it has a lot of buds ready to form so I am holding my breath. Here is another picture in higher resolution:

Yup. Mine are two weeks younger. The big one is 40 cm. The little one off the charts.Veg looks pretty much like yours. Mine are Vision Seeds. Another poster's growing Delicious Blue NL, I think. They look way different. I'm under LED as well so the comparison is valuable to me.
Just to clarify, just the left top one is Northern Lights. The smaller one of the right is Female Seeds Auto Speed, not mentioned in this grow journal.
Hey again,

So right now I find myself at the end of week 8 for these plants, start of week 9. Any new growth has stopped and flowering has began. I've switched to flowering nutes a while back (GHE Flora series for AK-47, Biobizz Bloom for NL) and they seem to be adding a bit of weight on those buds for the past days.

The NL is doing great, the AK not that much, but with the help of you folks at the live thread I've managed to salvage what I can and hope to harvest it as well in about 3 weeks time. I plant to continue feeding them for at least 10 days and then do 14 days with plain water. Of course I'll also need advice as to when to harvest!

Photos are day 58, order is AK, AK detail, NL, NL detail:

Pot 1.jpgPot 1 det.jpgPot 3.jpgPot 3 det.jpg
nice grow i have 4 nl's from RQS they are 28 days old. have pics on here you want to check them out
Another quick update, day 66 from planting:

Pot 3Det.jpgPot 3 b.jpgPot 1 det.jpgPot 1.jpg

The order is Northern Lights - AK, one detail shot, one general.

NL is very healthly and looks great, AK not so much but with the help of the folks here I've combated many problems. Both of them are growing a *massive* top cola, that bud is bigger than a 500ml bottle.

I am getting really nervous about this grow!
Beautiful looking. What's to be nervous about? If I remember correctly you started with 4 plants. 2 Northern, an AK, and a Dwarf of some sort. The Dwarf died prematurely and you accidentally killed one of the Northerns and what's left is a Northern and an AK. You were going to start another Dwarf but have not I guess. The AK is much smaller than the Northern is what I'm seeing?
Compared to my NL's, yours looks to be doing great. Can't compare your AK but she looks great to me. They are real beauties!
Well it's time for some updates, I didn't have internet home and I prefer not to post pictures of little trees from a public computer, even when Christmas is near. :p

Both plants remained pretty short. AK is max 65cm and Northern Lights got about 56-58cm tall. I am not sure what the reasons are, maybe the lights, or some stress during vegetative state or it could even be those BioBizz nutes that are not strong enough. If i understand correctly, as autoflowers spend only a certain amount of weeks in vegetative state, any error that results in stunned growth will results at a pretty small plant.

Of course, both plants will produce a decent amount of pot for my first ever grow so I am not really concerned.

This is Auto AK at day 83. Not tall but it has a thick, beautiful top cola that is over 25cm!


Northern Lights, same day, about ready to harvest. One shot of the plant, next of the top bud and then a nice side bud there.


About 3 days later I decided to harvest the Northern Lights:


After hanging for 4 days, trimming the main bud:


Trimming done:


Right now Northern lights is getting a bit more dry in some brown paper bags. In about 3 days I will place it in jars for curing and let you know how much it produced.

AK seems like it needs a couple of days more, maybe a week. It would be about 13 weeks from sprout then, I guess it just needed more time.

Thanks for all the help!
I forgot to add the final harvest:

65gr for the Northern Lights & 58gr for the AK-47. Pretty good for my first grow, already planning the next one!