First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

Hey Pete, don't take them in the middle of the dark period but if you can, right before or right after lights come on or go out. Even if the light is on, just shut it off for a few minutes, long enough to take some pics, then right back on. Or take them out and put them under some indoor lighting. I normally pull mine out of the room and snap pics in my garage. It is up to you really but try to keep any extra light out, like the sunlight or grow light, they all wash the colors out making it impossible to read the leaves.

You are in the home stretch homey! Gonna be taking them money shots before long and I am as excited as you are.
Can't wait to start seeing trichomes!!! Ohh what a day that will b!!!! I'm excited to see how photos look with the flash. During dark.
From everything I have seen, read and know I think I'm fairly well on track and haven't had too crippling of errors....I think I will still get a good yield with good quality.... This strain runs 18-21% I believe :)
I used the brown bag method. It seems to work well.
Then I put it into jars
right this second pics lol
All three are ok. The last is a little blurry, but look at the color differences. They are looking good buddy. Really good. Keep it up
Those are all right now. I can take more if you would like and turn bedroom light on with camera flash.... Did those in dark mostly...