First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

I just remember a milk cap and Ziploc lol I think
You're probably thinking hydrometer, Pete.
So I'll guess you don't have calibration fluid.
Here's a link to check with common items, but it's not gonna be real acurate.
You should have a pH pen with at least 2 calibration points. Most of those will use 2 fluids, a 7.0 and a 4.01.
Storage fluid is also important.
my three way moisture, PH and light reader
Okay, I missed that, sorry.
For checking soil pH, look around for an Accurate 8 meter, about $50 if I recall, and they come highly recommended, although I haven't used one yet. The calibration I referred to was for a pH pen, to test liquids.
I wouldn't trust that 3 way at all, personally.
My brother has the drops he said so I might have to test my run off using those cuz this cheap meter doesn't have a way to calibrate anything lol 10$ wasted probably lol.... I'll get with my brother and see if next watering I can check my run off with his drops.... If that works that way.... I dunno cuz the water is already discolored in the run off.... PH is only thing I'm taking shots in the dark with.... I'm looking for a more organic nutrient line that is more stable PH wise than FF trio.... I'm using the FF trio because it was free to use while my brother is taking a break from farming till winter hits.... He's an electrician with too high an electricity bill ha-ha.... I don't kno if I can get a PH reader for a while, things are tight right now as I just changed jobs and am trying to get a new home to make way for my child in the oven!! Find out what me and the wife are having in ten days!!!! :)
I will do a big photo shoot later in the day when there is more light out as it is still early..... This was my first time in their whole life that they have ever left their tent more then a FT outside and the first time even I have seen the girls in natural light and wow does it make a difference in how she looks. Maybe I worry so much because I'm always looking at them directly under the HPS and nothing else.... Still got nute burn but I think I'll b safe. I can't wait for the later photos and bringing them all out now that kid is in school and I can do this :)
Congratulations on expecting and best of luck with the new house my man, hopefully it all works out for you!

If you can't afford a pH meter, you can do without one but it will be a little more difficult on you. Yeah, I see a slight touch of nute burn but not bad at all. No worries on that. I don't really see any signs of deficiency, that is good, so my guess is your pH may be off a little. Not too bad because the leaves still look pretty nice with the exception of a little twisting, like you said. It is hard to know exactly without a good test. You are using promix, which has a tendency to stay alkaline early. I have used it for years now and that is normal for me as well. There isn't a lot you can do without correcting the water with phosphoric acid but without some of way testing the pH I wouldn't recommend that at all.

So, right now, not seeing any deficiencies and knowing we have a little nute burn, I would continue to water with your RO for the remainder of the week and see how she grows through it. Once the roots get well established, they will help correct the pH by their exudates. Things still look pretty good overall.
Going to look at a house in a couple of hours actually. Pretty excited and our next doctor date is about a week away... :).... And yes looking at them in sunlight made me feel better.... Hopefully another watering should help clear things up when she's ready.... I use a one liter water bottle I dip into my five gallon bucket and feed each plant one bottle and then feed each a second and so forth, Giving time for it to soak in nice and see if I have run off......Last watering I ran 4 liters into one very fast and then moved onto the next girl doing it the same way because I was low on time before work.... I'm going to water slow and proper this next time though because I feel I lose some growth over watering.
And I need to do some LSTing today as well.... Got a couple of branches that think they are going somewhere.... Lol
And here is my almost perfectly level canopy.... Think I've got the LST part of the grow down at least :) about to train again right now and I'll have pictures up in a couple days when they recover..


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