First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

OK so I think they are getting back on track and looking better today :) I guess I need to water less and just in case should probably give them straight RO water next feeding too since they seem to burn quite easily since I fucked up in the beginning.... Next grow shouldn't have theses issues.... At least not as bad.... Here's today...
Yea I seem to read quite often that weeks 3 through 5 they can double in size.... They have started flowering but with all my nute problems I'm scared to introduce my blossom builder for flowering so I'm going to wait till after this next watering to lightly introduce them. This strain doesn't seem to like a whole lot of nutes or I suck at math and feeding lol one of the two.... These girls are vigorous though and continue growing through everything so far.... Thanks for the compliment @AKNorthernlights
Yea that was the plan but I didn't kno if I was supposed to start adding in bloom nutes very small doses, while giving veg nutes and ween of veg nutes as I pull full strength into flowering nutes... Did that make sense? Lol
Or do I stop veg nutes when vertical growth stops and start bloom in the next feeding? Trying to follow FF photo schedule while I'm growing autos isn't easy :/ I'm really struggling the hardest with my feeding and nutes. I can't find a FF nute schedule for autos anywhere.... Was hoping by the end of this thread I would have one made for others to follow but I'm not doing good and each strain reacts so different with autos from what I understand, I don't even know if you can set a set schedule
I'm going to read about that on Google real quick... I'll be back shortly. Always interested to learn new things and to steer away from what my brother does so I can try different things then him and compare results. I was passed on the FF trio for free from him and my promix HP as well so I didn't really choose those although I'm happy with them.... But I can always experiment next grow as he may need his supplies back shortly since he's about to start again when winter hits lol....