First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

HELP!!!!! I got nute burn.... Twisted leaves and apparently an over watering issue...? I fed yesterday morning with RO water and molasses. Been feeding 1/4 dose FF nutes every other watering only having done two feedings so far.... Used calimagic with my RO water in between those two feedings cuz I was medicated and thought it was a good idea.... Now my girls look deathly and I'm for sure stunting growth.... I got some growth today but things looked like this all day.... Lights out for them in one hour and hopefully tomorrow is better for them :/....
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26c-28c at the maximum.... That was the thermometer on the floor. Just put it in the pots and will get a reading in a minute to see the heat on my canopy
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Temps have never exceeded 29c for more than five minutes. I'm very anal about the air flow in my house and to my tent, like nazi status with my wife even lol
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I have seen a 15°f between the floor and ceiling in my space, my first grow I started with my filter on the ground. Didn't work to well.
Where is your ballest
Ballast is outside the tent... Filter is outside hung from the ceiling.... Fan sticking air through ducting that goes in through the top of the tent and is connect to my cool tube and is extracting air out of the tent.... 6" fan blowing on the canopy... 4" fan blowing on the ground between buckets.... I'll take a pic...
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Canopy is only an inch maybe inch and a half above the thermostat... That's current right now and most of the day it was about 27-28c
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Normally I give 2-3 liters every watering per plant. This time I gave four liters per plant... Took alot till I began to see run off.
By lifting the pots,Checking the top soil, The soil through the bottom holes and using my three way light, ph and moisture reader (which read almost dry....) I determined it was time to water.... The nute burn was occurring here and there already so I'm hoping this is mostly an over watering issue. As u can see by my thread timeline they only had minor nute burn a couple days ago... Now twisted leaves... Drooping and nute burn some places.... Smh... This is such an important 2 week stretch and I'm very upset with myself for deterring their growth during the weeks 3-5. :(