First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

Nice grow you have going! Glad I founbd this, I've wanted to see a THC Bomb grow!
You can lower that light to 16-18". I've run mine as close as 12" but most plants will get light burn at 12" or less,
new THC bomb auto thread live right now my good sir!!!!
OK so today the girls are fifteen days old. They received a watering today of RO water and 1/4 the recommended dose of calimagic.... Which I later realized I shouldn't have done... But live and learn.... Have a few questions about molasses as well before I use it. Lights are still at 400w 24/0 till I see sex and I'll kick it up to 600w and turn the lights to 18/6....About a week away... Temps are 27c and humidity is still around 50%. The last picture Im going to put up is of my plant that always looks weird but is the most bushy.... I feel like it might b having root problems as it grew deformed since day one starting with a set of leaves with five fingers while all the rest started with three. She is very bushy and droopy but growing healthy and new growth looks healthy.... We call her "mongoloid" lol.... Never kno what to expect from this plant but despite its looks it's growing vigorously.... Any input on things would b great to hear as always!!! Happy growing!!!! :)....... And has anyone seen @A4 ? He's been MIA almost a week lol :/
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Oops doubled loaded one. Actually was supposed to post this guy below. The last pic. Before this is "mongoloid".
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Ladies are twelve days old today and looking pretty good!!!! Got their first feeding two days ago from the FF. @A4, do I feed as the bottle directs.... Feeding every other watering?

Yeah, every other watering until you get the feel for things is safe. Maybe every third watering wouldn't hurt right now but as they begin getting legs work your way into every other one.

OK so today the girls are fifteen days old. They received a watering today of RO water and 1/4 the recommended dose of calimagic.... Which I later realized I shouldn't have done... But live and learn.... Have a few questions about molasses as well before I use it. Lights are still at 400w 24/0 till I see sex and I'll kick it up to 600w and turn the lights to 18/6....About a week away... Temps are 27c and humidity is still around 50%. The last picture Im going to put up is of my plant that always looks weird but is the most bushy.... I feel like it might b having root problems as it grew deformed since day one starting with a set of leaves with five fingers while all the rest started with three. She is very bushy and droopy but growing healthy and new growth looks healthy.... We call her "mongoloid" lol.... Never kno what to expect from this plant but despite its looks it's growing vigorously.... Any input on things would b great to hear as always!!! Happy growing!!!! :)....... And has anyone seen @A4 ? He's been MIA almost a week lol :/

They look pretty good right now other than a bit of leaf curl. What is your RH in there? Looks to be environmental. Yeah, school started back a few weeks ago so working during the day and school at night has my free time in a bind. I will drop in and check on you but not every day. You can always PM me if you get in a sling.
Busy busy @A4! Humidity is still around 50%. Can't get it any higher. Temps are around 27c.... Fans are far enough away they move the branches but couldn't cause wind burn.... I'm stumped on the drooping.... It's just the one plant mostly but all new growth looks good and its very very very bushy
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Haven't looked this morning yet after watering last night.... Hopefully they are looking better.... Do you use molasses? If so how often?
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