First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

The girls right now. Bedtime is in exactly one hour one minute.
They look fine bro, other than some overwatering issues. How often are you watering? At that stage, shouldn't be more regular than every third day or more. Lift the pots, if they are still heavy then don't water. If there is water standing in the trays after you water, dump it. Don't leave water in the bottom, canna hates wet feet.

I see absolutely zero signs of over feeding or nutrient burn. Don't start feeding bloom nutrients until the vertical growth has stopped. No ifs, ands or buts. Keep feeding grow until they stop stretching. You want as much vertical growth as possible and once you start feeding for flowers you want the plant to have enough N to see her through the rest of the grow.

That fan you have on the floor, see if you can tape it or zip tie it to one of the posts and direct it down, blowing over the canopy. That promotes transpiration, which promotes water and nutrient uptake, which helps with your overwatering issue. It also strengthens the stems.

Other than that, quit worrying. Relax, smoke a J, enjoy the flora and be at peace with the plants. They sense the stress. Sing sweet songs of melody to them. Rub them, smell them. Let them grow in happiness and peace. They want to grow, only you can keep them from it. Smile and know you will be smoking that sweet sweet ganja in a few short weeks. When you begin to worry, refer to this paragraph.
I'm watering close to the five day mark or so. I check the top soil, bottom soil through drain holes, lift pots and use my three way moisture, PH and light reader to determine when to water. I fed each one four liters but I did it kinda fast and one plant at a time which didn't allow the water to flow and do what it's suppose to and I had more run off than ever before.... I take my pics under my HPS bulb with a smart phone.... I'll take one in the natural light tomorrow cuz there's yellow tips throughout the girls here and there and some of the small leaves by the bud sites have twisted like a pretzel almost. Can kinda see it in pic above...... I'm getting one ready right now so I will qualify this as our first smoke session my friend....:sharing one::pass:..........
And this was a very helpful paragraph and I will refer to it often lol. I have a 6" clip on fan hanging off the end of my cool tube pointing directly on my canopy.... Was hoping the 4" fan on the ground would circulate air around bottom of pots to remove moisture there but I'll get it rigged up on the canopy as well.... How often should I b LSTing? When ever the canopy starts to get uneven or scheduled every other day or every two days or something? I've just been doing it when things look uneven but I'd like some height to the girls and make sure they aren't too bushy and get good light penetrating everywhere. My light reader is reading great even in the middle of the bush so far :) thanks again @A4
Your LST is looking awesome, like a pro! You just want to try and keep the canopy even, which you are doing perfectly. Another week or so and you can give it up. The stems will get to the point where they are where they are. Move them too much and you will snap one. You can always continue tying down the new growth but it will get to the point that you won't have to. They look awesome, truly!

Yellow tips huh? I didn't see that but yeah, could have been from the lighting. Twisting new young leaves could be a couple of things, zinc deficiency or pH issues. With zinc you will generally see a striping of the leaves, I refer to it as the zebra effect. You will start seeing yellowing stripes running across the leaf margins following the veins. If you don't see any yellowing you may have some slight pH issues which happens more frequently than not with FF. If you did over feed then that could be the cause, it may have caused a slightly acidic soil which will be solved as you wash some of the excess nutrients out with your watering.
Yea I'm going to do another RO and molasses feed, which will be two in a row, and then feed after that. Let them recover. My PH was about 6.7-7 on the meter. Cheap $10 meter lol should I give calimagic with the molasses and RO or just the two without it. I want it to use what It needs in the soil and have a fresh start but no deficiencies.... I also have the FF fertilizer which is .01-.3-.7 that I could put in to make sure no deficiencies and sounds like its an ultra light feed, low N :/? Maybe I need to determine more close to watering tho.... Lol I'm a bugger I kno....
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Snap a pic of that one in the back to the right tomorrow, that is the one that concerns me. Don't feed cal, molasses, FF, or any of that stuff. This early in grow, if you have a deficiency it is generally because something is locked out, not because there isn't enough of it in the soil. Too much nutrients in the soil will lock out other nutrients causing a deficiency much quicker than under feeding will.

A new grower will kill a plant quicker by trying to fix something because they think they need to add something to the soil all the time. Let them breath, less nutrients is always, always, always better than more.

Straight RO it is than!!!!! Lol and the one in the back right is my bushy girl I call Mongoliad because she started growing five leaves and skipped the three and grew funny. But my smartphone has a tendency to lock onto things and get weird pictures often. In the sunlight tomorrow I'll bring out her and another for a photo shoot and see what we determine. I'll post early after the kid is of to school and its just me and the wife. My phone has a greener spot in that same are in alot of pics. Hopefully the real light does the photos justice lol
And for my next grow would i be able to use the GH flora series with the promix + an extra 20-30% perilite and b more on the organic side of growing? What are my options for all organic lines that I can get in the US that people have good feedback for?
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A new grower will kill a plant quicker by trying to fix something because they think they need to add something to the soil all the time. Let them breath, less nutrients is always, always, always better than more.
Amen. Like killing gnats with a shotgun.
My PH was about 6.7-7 on the meter.
I wonder about your pH. It may be the lighting, but it looks like the tissue between the veins may be off color, and the twisting and drooping seems a bit odd, but could be genetics.:shrug:
How do you calibrate your meter? If your calibration is off, the numbers mean nothing, and 6.7 or 7 could just as easily be 5.1 to 5.9.
I'll bring out her and another for a photo shoot and see what we determine.
Too cool! Try get some close shots of those leaves, too:thumbsup: