First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

That's all one plant as they honestly all look the same color wise and everything I didn't feel the need to pull another out but I could if need be!!! Lol.... and thanks @Qman1515!!! I'm hoping for some beautiful bud porn over the next four weeks.... If you have the time could u explain your drying/ harvesting/ curing method or give me a link. I'm going to have some given to me to practice with that I was going to lightly trim.... Hang dry till outside is feeling dry and stem snaps or is almost snapping all the way through.... Then put in a tote that isn't air tight but allows very little air flow and once it stays about 65% RH n there or a tiny bit higher I'll jar it up..... I have to read up more but that's the basic plan... I'll dial in the numbers to perfection after I cure this free bud I get to practice on....

Yep, that last one, classic pH fluctuations. Very easy to spot in the natural light. Colors on the remainder look real good. Hopefully you can get the soil dried up and with the straight RO for a few more waterings, that will straighten out the pH in the soil.

If you can get your hands on the liquid tester from your bro, it would be nice to see what the runoff is of that soil. The drops aren't the greatest but they will get us in the ball park and let me know how bad it is. If not, we will just work our way through it.
I'll have those drops from him by the next watering and will test the run off from the soil..... Someday I will invest in a PH tester but if you have any good recommendations id like to try a different nutrient line up next grow with less chance of PH fluctuation and still great final results lol.... What line do you use again?
I'm very anal about perfection and i waited this long to grow it.... I don't want to spoil it by under curing it.... But I don't need an extreme 5 month cure either lol....I will read that momentarily after wife gets home and settled in
I'll have those drops from him by the next watering and will test the run off from the soil..... Someday I will invest in a PH tester but if you have any good recommendations id like to try a different nutrient line up next grow with less chance of PH fluctuation and still great final results lol.... What line do you use again?

I make my own soil nowadays, TLO. There are several nutrients around but there isn't any brand that is going to keep you from having pH issues, that is the nature of the beast with fertilizers. They are salts and salts cause an acidic environment that has to be corrected. The only way to get away from that is to go completely organic but even then, a pH meter is highly recommended because you can still run into issues. It just isn't quite as often.
Let me snap a couple more pictures of another plant and its leaves because I think that's the one I fling water drops of FF onto in a stoner hurry during a few feedings ago lol
We started sampling the smoke after a week in the jars, it's at two months now and it's really good. Started with 7 condensed down to four after a month. Have two left now. :). My girl likes my weed. I don't smoke often. Maybe 4 times a year