Indoor First Diary.. Fastbuds Menage A Trois

Weeey ya found it! I’m a bit frit of running out of room
Yeah I found you buddy. Looking forward to seeing how things progress.

Holy fecking shitball's! :yoinks: I think I'm gonna have to lose the silencer tomorrow :rolleyes1: only 35 days young tomorrow as well..
Apologies for the crap photos but natural light is not on option. Hoping to get one before chop of they're worth it..

Breathing space.. Phew!
So once again I find myself taking evasive action mid grow will I ever learn!
I honestly didn't think they'd get this big!
The purple lemonade is 1.25m (49') from the top of the pot and I reckon one of the tallest I've grown but I used to have more hight so not sure. Just hope they're not gonna be all fart and no poo!
So after precariously moving fans and filters about above the canopy yesterday i realised all my ducting was in far too short lengths so had to have a night with less light or no filter so that was a no brainer! No way I'm depriving the girls! Lady Roach was less than impressed by the stank and I have to say I was shocked how pungent it was at this stage! Needless to say I was out at a hydro shop this morning for new ducting. Would have gone for the acoustic but didn't fancy coating the ladies in fibre glass so had to shell out on the combi stuff which was fortunately a dream to work with so probably worth it!

So here's the stars of the show on day 36!


Smoothie! Making a break for freedom every time I open the tent! Have to be careful not to zip her leaves in! Apart from some yellowing tips (much better than they were a week or so ago) I've managed to find one tiny rust spot over her entire impressive structure so well pleased.


Purple Lemonade! Showing Calcium deficiency. Hoping I was just a bit late reintroducing it to the feed rather than low PH. Upped the dose to 1.5ml per litre yesterday and doesn't appear to be any worse today but eyes are peeled on this gal.


Gelato! Again yellow tips at the top but apart from that a healthy plant and more like the size of plant I thought I might grow. Getting crowded out by her big sis!

Well I'll be back shortly with no doubt more dramas (fecking hope not) :rofl: until then stay lucky!
Menage A Trois
" got my attention. I didn't expect to see a castration, no more R rated titles for me. I'll be sitting legs crossed the rest of the evening.
:rofl: Apologies MWW!
Maybe I should put an X rated warning in the title? If its any consolation I wasn't expecting to have to perform surgery and it made my eyes water doing the ol deed!
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Look fucking great mate... I’ll be following

Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh nah mate, Mike Nolan for city council man :joy: always keep a Wendy in my winnie blues!
Late arrival, but all nice and subbe'd up. Particularly interested in the Purple Lemonade. Looking ace! Keep it up!