New Grower First Auto Grow - Think Different

looking good hazy.

i cant believe i missed this -- but im here now.

subbed in and ready for action.

I had this with my TD Twins...


Cool B :smokebuds:

Today the larger of the three got it's second feed of Fish Mix at 1.5ml and a 1/4 tsp of epsom salts, the other two will get theirs in the next couple of days, when they are ready for a feed. Also started to train the larger one :peace: Hazy
wow! such beautiful girls!:dancer:into the grid already! your going to have a mess of bud sites when she explodes!:smokebuds:
nice growing hazy!

i see training has started -- just remember to be gentle.
hello m8, lovely looking TD !, ill be very interested to see how your scrog goes. what height are you expecting with that? hopefully it should give you more bud in a more dense area. also wondering about you feeding plan? how much and how often do you feed them. Any info or pointers to sheduals would be good. ill be following this diary every day.
OMG. I have been so worried about my own 5-weeks old grow but now that you have posted pics, I can see that mine are flowering too. So happy!!!! Thank you very much.

This is one pretty special strain i think.

That is for sure. TD will continue to put off shoots well into flower even on straight flowering nutes. Keeps on growing, and will double size after veg. Great plant for ScrOG.
hello m8, lovely looking TD !, ill be very interested to see how your scrog goes. what height are you expecting with that? hopefully it should give you more bud in a more dense area. also wondering about you feeding plan? how much and how often do you feed them. Any info or pointers to sheduals would be good. ill be following this diary every day.

The scrog is set 12" above the soil and with a bit of luck bud heights of between 6" and 8" should be achievable, as for feeding i'm following Agito's feeding plan which you can find HERE, except i will be adding bloom towards the end of the flower cycle. :peace: Hazy