Indoor First Auto Grow Pro Mix VS FFO & Collodial Silver test run

33 Days in New Pics

Hi All,
All most starting week 5 WOOT WOOT
Cool Vibes to everyone, My temps are running 86-89* lights on with the new addition of the the 1000W HPS. Some good growth just in one day to all the bud sites. :dance:
Colloidal Silver test is a success the SAS is the first one to show balls at day 12 unbelievable, forgot to take pic of it, I'll get one tomorrow and post. :booya:

PsychoFruit is looking really good and I have high hopes for it.
SAS and MI5 have alot of stretch not sure how they are going to fill out
Russian Rocket Fuel is stunted the poor thing but it has a great amount of bud sites I hope will fill out.
AK49 was a slow start and not as tall but it is going to have a nice main colla by the looks of it
The three new additions are coming along nicely. Automaria II was a pain in the but to germ had to crack the seed, then the shell wouldn't come off little gentle work and it's coming along.

Will be starting light bloom sch with next watering. GH Three part Micro,Gro,Bloom & FloraNecter/ Humboldts Crystal burst, Botanicare Bloom Pro and Molasses :thumbs:


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Looking great man, gonna be some lovely ladies! Mi5 is one of my favs :)

That RRF will recover in no time and she will grow to be one of the biggest :bong:
ty for the words Truu,
I hope the RRF will take off but I'm half way through the grow and she is pretty much stunted, I guess we'll see soon enough in the coming weeks. I picked up a cooltube today for my 1000w HPS but not sure if I'm going to be able to fit everything in vertically, project for the night after kiddies go to bed. I'm really paranoid about my temps and stunting the girls now that they are growing pretty good. So far I'm happy with this grow overall trial and error, runts and stretch with a couple of nice well rounded individuals. The PsychoFruit look's the best so far good height nice node spacing I have very high hopes for her. I've learned that using the FFO on its own is not the way to go for my grows only the Super Auto Sativa took off in it while everything I planted in ProMix is doing fine. I'm curious how the new girls will do in a 50/50 mix of both.

Looking great man, gonna be some lovely ladies! Mi5 is one of my favs :)

That RRF will recover in no time and she will grow to be one of the biggest :bong:
Hi Truu,
Did you get the kind of stretch for MI5 like in pic 10 at this time in your grows?

Looking great man, gonna be some lovely ladies! Mi5 is one of my favs :)

That RRF will recover in no time and she will grow to be one of the biggest :bong:
Ya mine stretched a lot. It got to be about 3' tall before she stopped. The main cola is gonna get huge real fast. That's what I liked about it. 1 huge fat cola.
I see balls!!


Pics of my Super Auto Sativa Colloidal Silver spray. I noticed balls at 12 days after spraying.:booya:

I have some work to do tonight in my space, bought a Cool Tube it's going to be a tight fit or I'm going to have to reposition the 1000HPS. I picked up reducers 6" to 4", what are supposed to be 4" 90* but they are not it's going to be close. I also picked up one tote for DWC experiment I want to try after the 5 ladies are done. Will be posting more pics tomorrow
Operation Cool Tube Completed

Well I finally got the cool tube installed and it just fit. thank god for me not wrapping the room tight with Black and White. With the reducers and 90* installed the total length of the cool tube was 3-4" higher than the height of my space, I was able to fit the top end in-between the floor joist without ripping the black and white wrap. :yoinks:

here is the beast end to end it is 29" without the reducers and 90* installed with the on it came it at nearly 48".
Well it's 4:30am and I need to get some sleep
Colodial Silver 50ppm works really well

Hi All,
When I was in checking on the party I noticed that another branch that wasn't sprayed,Ok maybe a small amount of over spray at the base of the stem and a large leaf, it has started to make balls in the bud top. In Pic 1 is the direct spray, Pics 2,3 and 4 is the stem next to the spray site.:hot: I had broken one of the other spray sites and the other spray site is immature as you can see in pic1. This is great news for me, another strain of pollen to make some Fem seeds with.:dance2:


Well after installing the cool tube my room temp has only gone down to 86* (reduction of only 3*), I guess I'll have to live with these temps until summer and then the air comes on. It is very difficult for me to get fresh outside air to the space. But I must say the bulb zone is very much cooler and have been able to get the girls much closer to the light. I'm thinking of mounting 2 140mm PC fans to my intake grill and get a few more degrees reduction in temp.
After feeding them the first Bloom dose of my most recent concoction, no signs of burn at all. I did have some necrosis on a few fan leafs here and there but I think it was due to temps and new light being put in the room at the same time. I see no tip burns or curling. I did a straight water run and then next feeding will be another dose. Here is a list of what I'm using in 1 gallon of water is this to much to be adding?:
GH Micro 5mil
Gh Grow 5mil
Gh Bloom 2.5
Humboldt Crystal Burst 2.5ml
GH FloraNecter 2.5ml
Botanicare Pure Blend PRO Bloom 2.5ml
1 cup of Molasses water split between two gallons

I'll be updating pics in a few days,
Well went into my room tonight to check on the ladies and find out that my 1000w has bit the dust, I believe that the bulb is blown the top end of the bulb has turned Silver like a mirror lights out and the ballast still seems to be working ie humming as it normally did. Here is my dilemma I bought this light and ballast used, it sat for a 1-1/2 years so no history on the set up, it's been running properly for only 5 days and then this happens. I'm concerned if I go buy a new bulb that it's the ballast that blew the bulb, not sure if this is normal at the end of the bulbs life to silver out at the end and die. If anyone has had this happen to them please let me know dont want to drop 80-90 on a new bulb from the local grower and have it burn out can't really afford that expense at the moment still recovering from buying the the cool tube.
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