New Grower First auto grow: Northern Lights, Berry Bomb, & Vertigo

YAY!!! One week out from my first harvest. The Berry Bomb and Northern Lights are flushing along nicely. Starting to see some definite yellowing on the Berry Bomb finally. Still no sure that there's any real change on the NL, though. Berry really slowed down on her water consumption the last few days, but NL is still going through a good 2-3 quarts a day, so may leave it a bit longer.

I can't remember if it's normal or not, but I'm thinking for the last week of flushing I'm going to change out the res every other day. Could see traces of nute colors in the water when I dumped tonight, and know there has to be some still in the root ball and hydroton from the drip feed when I swap over to the new bucket, so thinking doing more frequent changes for the final week should help "rinse" things off a bit.

Amnesia is still just really really tall. Looks to be starting to bloom nicely, though starting to see some PH drops that have me a little concerned.

No new pictures for now. With all three being so big, hard to position things to get a good pic of just one plant. Will definitely get some pics of both next week before chopping them. Exciting times!!! :d5:
YAY!!!! Harvest day is finally here!!! 95 days from starting to germinate the seeds, and really enjoyed every day of it. A big thanks to all the folks here at AFN for all the tips, tricks, pointers, info, and just the good vibes in general round these parts. :smoking:

Bomb Seeds Auto Berry Bomb:

Royal Queen Seeds Auto Northern Lights:

All tucked away in a wardrobe box I setup for a small drying space:

Sooooo looking forward to getting things dried, cured, and getting to try the finished product. The aroma a stickyness while trimming them up were almost intoxicating on their own. Nice hint of berry on the Berry Bomb, and definite citrus leaning smell from the Northern Lights. Thanks again to all who helped me get to this first chop!!!

Meanwhile....the Royal Queen Auto Amnesia is growing along. This thing is shaping up to maybe be a real beast. Vertical growth has all but stopped. She's running about 3ft 2in tall right now and starting to flower nicely. Ph still drops overnight, but think it's just because she's drinking water like mad. Nute intake seems to be high as well, swapping out the res every five nights or so. She should start being really happy now that the other girls are out of the way and all the side lighting is all hers for the enjoying.

The Amnesia plant really seems to be loving having all the side lights to herself. Since she's slowed to almost a standstill with the vertical growth, I went ahead and swapped out the two side T5's that were running 6K grow spectrum for a 3K bloom spectrum, so all four on the bloom bulbs now. I thought about cutting back to just one of the overhead LED panels, but decided to leave them both on to see if she can become the monster I'm hoping she's starting to be. *insert evil mad scientist laugh here*

I'm also thinking about picking up some AN Flawless Finish to try out on this one. The last two I just flushed with plain water to get a feel for what it's like as a baseline. Different strain, so would be hard to say if any change was purely using a flushing agent but still might give it a go for grins.

After doing some number crunching, and sampling the curing bud from the first two plants, I've gone ahead and started flushing the Amnesia plant this evening. Not sure about the Berry Bomb yet, but the Northern Lights so far in the few little samples we've tried at various drying/curing stages looks to be a real weed nap inducing cure for insomnia. So think I may have waited a little long to harvest on at least that one. Trying to look for the signs, but I don't seem to get the leaf yellowing that others speak of with my setup for whatever reason. Think I need to look around at something a little more powerful than the 40x jeweler's loop I've got now.

Anyhow...trying out the AN line "Flawless Finish" this time around. Bottle says to use for the last week, so may try just flushing for the one week but still on the fence about that.

Forgot to add, using my cheap Walmart kitchen scale and allowing a large margin for newbish error, I weighed the first two plants after drying and trimming at 3.0oz from the Berry Bomb and 2.8oz from the Northern Lights. So far the samples I've tried have been a bit on the harsh side, and the Northern Lights seems to be inducing some serious weed naps. Thinking the harshness should hopefully mellow out some as they continue to cure, and may just have to take the naps as a lesson learned to maybe harvest a bit sooner next time.

Forgot to grab a shot of the NL, but here's the Berry Bomb after being trimmed up and jarred to cure:
Some bad looks like the Amnesia plant may have hermied out at some point. Was looking things over last night and found what looks to be pollen sacs on several of the bud sites. If I had to float a theory, with what I've read I'd either guess either temps in my closet and reservoir being too high. With August in full swing, I've seen it pushing around 85F in the closet and high 70's in the res lately. Not really sure when they first appeared, though, so can't say if it's a recent thing or not. Since it's the only plant currently going, and only a few more days left to flush I'm going to go ahead and let it finish, dry it, start curing, and just see how it goes. If I find some seeds, I'll hang onto a batch of them and try them out. I'd guess from what I've read they'd have a high likely hood of producing more herms, but conflicting claims regarding that so would just have to try a few out and see how they went. Premature to plan for that, though...just have to wait and see what I get in the end.

Pulled the Amnesia plant from the closet today and cut her down. Much bigger than the other two, though the bud sites are more spaced out so hard to say if it's looking like more actual yield. Little worried about the lack of scent with this one. There's some scent, but you have to get your nose right up to a bud to really smell anything. That coupled with looking like she may have hermied out on me has got me thinking that there is at least a good chance the potency won't be much. But will have to wait to see after all the drying and curing has been done. Even if the potency is really low, still a beautiful plant in her own right. And at least one or two branches had me worried they were going to snap under their own weight towards the end. So over all pretty happy with it.


Well that pretty much wraps up the first grow for me in the remodeled closet. Very happy with the results, and lots of lessons learned along the way. Excited to get the (hopefully) long term, rotating grow going. Thanks again to all the AFN peeps for all the amazing info on the site. I don't think I would have got nearly the results I did without the oodles of info and how well it's all put together on these forums.
Trimmed up the Amnesia tonight. Using my cheapo kitchen scale, looks like about 5oz of this one. :drool:

Tried a little uncured to sample, and seems like it should be pretty nice once it cures. Not seeming like a particularly potent one, but doesn't knock me out into a weed nap coma like the first tests of the Northern Light's did either. :smoking:

EDIT: Forgot to mention, so far no sign of any seed so I may have been wrong thinking she hermied out. *shrugg*