Been a few weeks since I updated. Warned y'all in my intro that I can be forgetful about keeping journals and the like. But wanted to go ahead and update with the latest.
The Berry Bomb plant looks to be coming along nicely:
The Northern Lights still looks a bit smaller than the other, but looks to be doing nicely as well:
Since both are starting on week 7 and starting to look like they're getting close to if not starting to bloom, I've switched out half the side lights from 6K spectrum to 3K, and kicked in the bloom leds (so now all on) for the overheads
Of the two newer seed I started, the Grass-O-Matic mystery strain did not make it. I've done a bit of reading and found a couple things I'm going to change up in my germination procedure to see if I can't cut down on the failures.
As for the Royal Queen Amnesia seed, I got impatient and moved it to the bucket and onto light strength nutes too quickly, and burned it pretty bad. I had just about given up on it recovering, but yesterday patience paid off and I found the first little root poking out the bottom of the net pot, and saw definite noticable change in the leaves. So looks like it may make it back after all. Nudged it up to half strength today, and going to keep a close eye on it to back off again if it starts looking like it's too much to handle.
Liking the bubble bucket for sure over the drip ring setup. Much easier to work with overall. So thinking I'll get good usage of my space by going to a bubble tote setup next. Debating on just letting the three going now complete before starting anything new, and wanting to try out the changes and get a tote going. Decisions....decisions.... :smoking: