Outdoor First auto grow journal, Buddha's Magnums + Shortsuff's Purple Amnesia

Awesome. ..love watching Aussie grows in winter. ..gives me a feeling of continuation....
lol that little mag..i have a auto jack herer that gone and been stunted too. Like a girl i knew in highschool..so cute but dissapointing.

Second week of autumn here and it's still summer :dance:. Maybe we should have a mutant runt grow off guerilla ? lol, smallest bud wins !

edit: forgot to say, I think we all had a girl like that in school years lol !
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Hello beautiful people

The Magnum girls are 5 weeks old give or take a couple of days between them. Had to go to the city for 3 days. Came back this morning, they looked good & healthy. They averaged growth of 1.2 - 1.7 inches per day, preflowering nicely. They are all just over 1/2 metre tall. They should get to just over a metre tall I am guestimating. I am happy with them considering the rough start hey had.

Got PH stable now at mid - high 6’s. The soil is smelling good now, microbes starting to fire. Getting an indian summer here, all week forecast for 28-30 deg C, should get some exposive growth this week.

The Purple Am’s are just over 4 weeks old, all 14-16 inches but are showing ZERO sign of sex. Looking at them, I am starting to think they are not autos. They were free seeds with my order after all. If not showing sex by next week, I’ll assume they’re photo’s and they’ll go into the ground for a June harvest.

All the best everyone
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Magnum update: Six weeks old now (half wayish mark?), stretching has slowed, not been as much this week, about 4-5in’s, weather didn't live up to forecast, a mainly overcast & showery week but here comes the flowering. Have some nice fat calyxes on them.

They are around the 2 ft mark now and I get a feeling they aint gonna get too much taller. A bit stinky already, man these must really stink up indoors.

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So with the bad weather they had in their first few weeks and the new soil mix settling, I’ll be happy with fat 2-3ft’ers, but oh well, it's fascinating for me watching auto's go through their life for the first time.. I guess that's the thing with auto's..due to their short life, there is no margin for errors and a few weeks of sub-optimal conditions is going to impact the final result hard in comparison to photo periods where they have time to come back from set backs ? Hopefully get another week of vertical growth and then bring in the K after week 7.
Vas they are looking great mate , what temps do you have down there at the moment and keep a eye on the cyclone looks like it is heading back to the coast later in the week , it may suck all the bad weather away from you .:thumbs:
Thanks hecno, summer is still hanging in here....Picture 3.png so hopefully will get a bit more vertical growth this week. If they get up to 3 ft, I'd be stoked with that, all things considered. They're just starting week 7 now, so I don't know. Had a miscommunication with my landlord..he made a compost tea, I asked if I could use some and as usual he said yes, then the next day he said "Oh forgot to say that tea was K heavy", so I don't know if that has/will slow down the vertical growth or not. Have been going through Muddy's thread on "Lifecycle of auto's" which is awesome. That Cyclone's coming back again ? Is this the same one that smashed Vanuatu ?
Disaster !

Week 7: The Magnums stopped stretching this week, and started to put on some flower. I had given them a drink of P + K earlier in the week and they responded in kind, but DISASTER has struck overnight....
:Brain Fog..:

I have had heavy rain all night and all morning, it’s just stopped so I went out to take some pics and was confronted by two of my chunkiest girls’ colas pointing to the ground. The stem was bent, folded over on itself, thankfully not split or broken so I have staked them up and will just have to nurse them and see how they go.

Olive bent.jpg Olive staked.jpgTilly bent.jpg Tilly staked.jpg

Extremely pissed off as they were starting to look like they were gonna be nice fat little girls and did not seem to be weak stemmed. Fkn rain in this country, all or nothing, either not enough or too much. So I’ll just do my best to nurse them through the next 5-6 weeks. The other two are ok because they’re not as fat, but I’ll be keeping an eye out and will most likely stake them soon as a pre-emptive measure.

They four got to about 2 ft / 60cm and the little mutant runt is a bonzai, about 7” at 7 weeks with little tiny preflowers, she’s like my little pet now lol. :peace:
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Sorry to hear man ! Keep up the work though it will be rewarding :d5:. Pictures are not showing for me though :dunno:
Sorry to hear man ! Keep up the work though it will be rewarding :d5:. Pictures are not showing for me though :dunno:

Thanks Woolly, don't know whats wrong with the pics, i tried it and it said to contact the admin. Went out for another look and there is indeed a split in the stem... try this pic and see if it works... Picture 6.jpg
Works fer me van.....how they doin..ilk bet they pop up stronger for it..looks healthy.