Outdoor First auto grow journal, Buddha's Magnums + Shortsuff's Purple Amnesia

Showers poor possum , try 260mm so far , and heaps more on the way , any way cobber all looking good so far . Looks like the weather should start clearing for you by wednesday . :goodluck:

cheers bro ! oh yeah, you only know rain & storms. The only showers up your way are in peoples bathrooms ! lol :peace:
Another 7 days of crap growing weather. Please Ganja Gods...bring back the Sun. Had very heavy rain overnight, local flooding from a low pressure off my coast and this afternoon we are tipped to get more heavy rain & up to 100 km/hr winds when that low combines with Cyclone Marcia remenants. The one PA in the big pot got smashed overnight, practically had to replant her..i don’t think she’s gonna make it. The Buddha’s have had some growth, but not notable. They are looking a bit sad from all the rain. I was really relying on a good hot February to veg them up in the first 4 weeks.

I am thinking that due to auto’s short life, the first month of good growth is critical to the final yield, and I have not had anywhere near the usual “optimal” outdoor conditions of my area. At least with photo’s , they have time to come back from set backs. I have showers & overcast conditions forecast till at least next Thursday at this stage so I am not holding out much hope for this grow. I had cracking good hot weather Sept-Jan. As soon as my beans turned up, the weather went English on me. Thanks Mr Murphy.

Had a little reprieve on the rain this morning and a 10 minute patch of sun, which has given me a chance to prepare for the storms. I covered the Buddha’s with my seedling greenhouses to give them a break from the rain and protect them if the big winds come. The area where my grow bags are, was ankle deep in water this morning, so I’m glad I didn’t put them in the ground there. The mix is draining well. Have not been able to water / tea them at all ever since I watered them into their pots. So i placed some organic fert pellets on top and let the rain smash them up and run down through the mix.
The other 4 x PA’s in smaller pots are under cover in the shed, the larger plant in the PA pics is a bag seed i threw in about a month ago to test the new mix. The eldest Buddha is 21 days old today. The last 7 days of weather have been even worse than the first two weeks and the growth of all of them reflects that. The last magnum to sprout is some weird stunted mutant at 11 days. Geez I haven't even had a bag seed do that to me, she didn't earn a storm cover.

I am also nervous about these big winds as I hope my photo plants don’t get smashed by as the grounds now pretty soft. They are looking good and have started flowering nicely. There will be big trees coming down today of she blows up big, it has been tipped. If it’s real bad there’s I chance my whole crop will get decimated so it’s a nervous day today.
It’s times like these I start considering an indoor set up lol. Aaah the joys of outdoor growing, it both giveth and taketh away.

Olive 21 days.jpg Tilly 17 days .jpg Purp.Am's 12 days.jpg Mutant runt  11 days.jpg Storm Cover!.jpg
Olive 21 days Tilly 17 days PA's + 1 x bag seed Mutant ! Storm covers !

Nice storm cover Vas Deferens, hopefully that weather didn't do any major damage to the girls. I'll be following along man.
Nice storm cover Vas Deferens, hopefully that weather didn't do any major damage to the girls. I'll be following along man.

Thanks Darth, yeah, good old milk crates, is there nothing they can't be used for !! The storm took a welcome turn out to sea last night so disaster has been averted and hopefully the sun we re emerge Tues / Wed. I've decided to leave them all covered till this rain clears, the mix is so wet, but thankfully my controversial high sand content mix has keep it from being waterlogged. In retrospect looking back at pics of 7, 14, 21 day, the growth hasn't been too bad considering the conditions, so hopefully with some good weather in the next 8-9 weeks they can do something.
Week 4 (ish): Best week of weather since the grow started. The plants are finally enjoying a stretch of warm, dry weather for the first time in their lives and they are looking happier now they aren’t living like water lillies and have shown a bit of growth but the bad weather has put them on the back foot for sure.

The magnums are around 4 weeks old, and are (30cm /12in). I feel this is not par for the course at this stage. I have excellent growing weather forecast for the next week so really looking for some decent stretching next couple of weeks. There is some leaf crinkle on last couple of weeks growth, I will dare say that was from the big wet, the new growth looks healthy and they have shown me their female bits last few days.

The purple amnesias are sub standard too for 19 days. The PA that got smashed by the rain has survived but she has been slowed by the trauma of course but it's new growth looks good.

Now the soil has dried a bit, I will brew up a tea today and aerate for 24-48 hours and when the brew has foamed up on top, they'll all get a nice cuppa.

Olive 28 days.jpgTilly  25days.jpgTammy 24 days.jpgPurp Am's 19 days.jpg

Thats all for now, good luck & blessings to everyone :peace:
Ok so this was the 5th Magnum bean to sprout...IMG_0572.jpg

took 11 days to pop from direct sow. It is 21 days old today !!! LOL, I have NEVER had a seedling do anything like this, yeah sure i've had runts, but this mutated, runty , weird looking thing ??? Is this the "unstable" genetics of which I hear regarding auto's ? (have not researched)
I'm a happy camper today, the big light bulb in the sky is beaming down and the Magnum girls are loving it, have put on 2 - 2.5 inches in two days. Had a tea party with them this morning, they had compost tea, I had Rooibos tea, lol :coffee2:

Based on Muddy's "Life cycle of auto's" thread, they should get to over a metre, minimum, maybe more as Magnums are supposed to get "big". Time will tell, feeling good about the grow now :smoke:
Awesome. ..love watching Aussie grows in winter. ..gives me a feeling of continuation....
lol that little mag..i have a auto jack herer that gone and been stunted too. Like a girl i knew in highschool..so cute but dissapointing.