Mephisto Genetics First auto grow and Mephisto is here for the ride

Nov 20, 2016
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Hello all. Just making a progress post for my first auto grow. Looking for a little feedback and discussion about how my girls are looking.

This is day [HASHTAG]#17[/HASHTAG] for the oldest girl (center). The youngest is about 2 days behind that. The strains are Auto Triangle Kush (center, bottom right) and the rest are Toof Decay both by Mephisto Genetics. I had one triangle not pull through, I assume due to a rookie mistake.

They have been grown in Biobizz Light mix with 25% added perlite using Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Sensi Bloom and GH Calimagic starting on Day 10. Light watering/feeding pretty much daily loosely following TaNgs easy auto feed schedule that I found here. They are under a 600 watt Metal Halide until flowering. How long before I should switch to HPS?

They had a slow start but seem to be taking off now. There are a couple of odd shaped leaves in the group.

All comments, feedback, criticism welcome! I am here to learn
17 Days.jpg
Triangle #1.jpg
Triangle #2.jpg
Toof Decay #1.jpg
Toof Decay #2.jpg
Toof Decay #3.jpg
Looking good man ,welcome to afn I have grown both strains and found them to be very very nice.
Looking good man ,welcome to afn I have grown both strains and found them to be very very nice.
That is good to hear! I have been a bit nervous about growing autos because you always hear about them getting stunted from everything... I am hoping for a successful run.
I'm in! Im running AVT and Toof Decay right now and using 600w hps/mh. I switch to hps when the little white patches of pistils looks like a tiny cotton balls. Good luck on the grow!