ha no worries bro hows ur kids holdin up for ya
Want to try a new approach! No transplanting! Straight into it's 10 week home (give or take). See if that makes a difference!
I'm not sure what you're expecting from your plants as far as size goes. None of us, who have limited experience, are going to have plants that look like DIRT's or FD's. But, the difference between how mine and your plants look, compared to FD's, is not caused by an open door.
When we transplant, we stress/stunt the plants. When you stunt an auto, you don't catch back up. You haven't had the exact soil mix combo you want, for various reasons, since you started. So, there are some things going on, but closing the door, and cutting holes in your walls/ceilings, isn't going to change any of it. If you don't have any reflective material or white paint on the walls in the grow area of the closet, you should probably staple some mylar on the wall around the area where you put the plants. You may need more ventilation... I don't know your temps and RH.
That is the best approach to get the largest plants. A word of caution... unless you're starting with feminized beans, you may need more room than you're thinking about right now.
With photo's, a stunted plant can catch back up during veg and you always hace the 12/12 "stretch". With auto's, every hiccup comes with at least a small price to pay. But, if it's just a matter of not getting everything perfect, the price most often comes in the form of some loss of yield. It should just be factored in when our experience is very limited.