Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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Hey Killa! Thanks bro! I appreciate it!

I have some GREAT news today... THE ASSASSIN IS A GIRL!!!!! Our stinky smelly Assassin is a girl! :jump: She showed some pistils today on top of the main cola. Here's a few pics of the newly formed pistils...

ASSASSIN PISTILS 1_8-17-11.jpg ASSSASSIN PISTILS 2_8-17-11.jpg

Absolutely ecstatic about this one! The way she's been smelling as of late and her growth... very very happy! Of course I'm also happy to report the other two Assassin that came up yesterday are doing very well! ALL the NYLPD are doing very well! The first one that came out is really cool. She always has her leaves turned up toward the light. She seems like she's happy and doing well. Hoping she will be a she!! Every strain but the Snow Ryders have gotten their first Myco treatment. The ones planted yesterday and the day before got it directly on the soil before the sprout was placed in the plug. Today I watered the Female Assassin and the other 3 NYLPD's that haven't gotten it yet. 1/2 teaspoon per 1 Gallon of pH'd water. I'm sure they will all love it! Plan on doing this once a week until week 7 or so. Tomorrow the Snow Ryders will get it with their cocktail which is already airing out. I added everything BUT the Myco. Since it is activated as soon as it hits the water I am going to add it right before feeding them. Have pics updated when there's change to be shown! As always comments and suggestions always welcome! Stay Tuned! :smokebuds:
Some more good news to report! The last NYLPD we were waiting on to pop up has emerged! So, all 5 of the NYLPD have emerged. The 6th seed that was germing is still taking it's time coming out. Same as the last 2 Assassin. At this point I'm happy with what we got going. I'm about to add the 150W HPS into the lighting set up to add another 5000 Lumens. Can't hurt. Just going to push the temps way up into the 90's. I'm concerned that will cause problems with out tweaking the systems, maybe some in line fans in the hoods. We'll see. Money is way tight right now so grow equipment/accessories are pretty much out of the question. I'm lucky I got the Myco Madness! Took some convincing to my girl but she's impressed so far since we were 1-4 with the Assassin before. Now 3 for 3. Hmm... Maybe I'll take that bean that is having a bit of trouble coming out and put it in some OF and sprinkle some Myco in the plug. If it comes out then, I will definitely know the Myco is some serious powder! Fun with Spores. Good times!
WooHoo!! Looks like things are turning around! Nice work there, WVR! :thumbs:
Hey JD! Thanks my friend! After some more consulting with my better half lol we've decided on picking up two 4' T5's. Doing some price comparing and I'll see how much they are locally. Lowe's, Home Depot, & WalMart are all within 1 mile of each other. I'm hoping I'll be able to pick them up locally. With my luck I'll probably find a better price with free shipping on the net lol ha well really the only downside is waiting :D and I'm good at that! Those Himalayan Blue Diesel should have been here LAST Thursday! Tomorrow will be a week late and all because of one dude having a brain fart! I just hope they get here safely! Bit stressed about that. The longer they are floating around the less secure my safety is! Anyway definitely looking to add supplemental lighting for the numbers we would like to do. I think I may be pushing the limits with the 400W. I know I'm not going to end up with 11 Females -- that would be astonishing but not likely. So I know within a few weeks that number will decrease. Then the next round will begin after that! Well, hopefully! If my beans don't get here I'll have to wait even longer to get going. And I still need to get some HF! Being broke SUCKS! I know you all know what that's like! If we were all Rockefellers we wouldn't be doing closet grows!! Haha! Stay tuned Buds! More progress to come! :buds:
Daily Update: Fed the Snow Ryders tonight. They got their dose of Myco Madness so everyone to date has had their first Myco Madness treatment! Bumped up the nutes to 2 tsp. on the Grow and Bloom (so we're @ 2/3 dosage on those for their 2nd feeding). 2 tsp. of Honey ES (max recommended dose -- started out full strength and will continue full strength on this). AND 1/2 tsp of Myco Madness added just before feeding. That is the recommended dosage for once a week application. Still keeping an eye on the one SR that I pulled a forming pollen sack off of. No new signs of hermi parts but I'm checking a few times a day. So far so good...

The Female Assassin has been transplanted into a much larger pot. It's a 10" pot -- I think it's a gallon & a half, at least a gallon pot. Her head has risen up quite a bit in the last 24 hours and you can really see some nice calyxes forming. AA's #'s 2 & 3 above ground are doing great. The 4th one is just beneath the surface and I'm hoping it isn't going to crap out on me... I think it's just a bit behind. Nothing to fret about.

ALL the NYLPD's are above ground now. The week old one and the one's that are 2 - 5 days old are doing very well. One runt but that's to be expected. At least at this point it is compared to the others but, it could take off any moment so I'm very happy with those! The last NYLPD that popped out later last night is like one I've never seen... It's above the dirt but the cotyledons are still folded closed but, the first set of true leaves are beginning to grow out of the side lol. Nothing stopping those NYLPD's from taking off! I LOVE MJ! You always see something new each time you put a seed in the dirt!

Post some pics tomorrow when there's changes to be shown. I'm sure you'll see the difference between yesterday and tomorrow with the AA and her calyx production. Until the next update... smoke one with us... :smokebuds:
hey west glad to hear there doing good for ya mine are starting to take off to
Hell yeah bro! U got a thread going? I gotta run out to the Chiropractor but I'll be checkin to see if you got one going when I get back! Hope you're doing great bro!
I'm off to it! I'm ashamed of myself to not have been subbed by now! Don't know where the hell I've been!!
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