Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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Hey GG, Thanks bro! I wasn't sure the time frame. I'll let it go a bit and wait. Again, I don't know if this is because of the seed itself or FF was the influence. This seedling looked like the mutant. The first set of leaves were oddly shaped and small. Then it just took off.

EDIT TO POST: Tonight the SR females got fed for the first time. Going more aggressive with the nutes this run to see how they handle it. Mixed 1/3 dose of Grow Natural, 1/3 dose of Bloom Natural, & Full dose of Honey ES per gallon of water pH'd at 6.8-7.0.

did you mix the three in the same gallon? is it ok to mix the nutes? sorry im a nooby[/QUOTE]

Hey JH! Thanks for stoppin' by. To answer your question YES I mix all my nutes one by one and mix them up in 1 Gallon of Water. Example: Take Nute 1, put it in the water, mix it up. Take Nute 2, put in water, mix it up, etc. Do this for whatever number of nutes you're using. Also, let the mixture SIT UNCOVERED for 24 hours. So do this 24 hours BEFORE you feed. This lets the chlorine and all other nasties evaporate out. This is only if you don't have a bubbler. It's the poor man's version lol. Make sure you do this OUTSIDE your grow area. Another room or part of house, apt, etc. Even the evaporated chlorine and such can harm your plants. No worries bro. I'm a nooby too!
Anytime JH! Glad I could help! :smoke:

I'll post some updated pics later of the plants and hermi in question. I have 3 New Assassins! They all had nice long taproots that were corkscrewing a bit so hopefully these 3 will get above ground! They are in the FFOF as well. Still unable to get out and get some HF. I need more OF soon as well so I HAVE to do a soil run sometime this week or early next.

I did something different with these 3 Assassin. I got the Myco Madness in today and it says you can sprinkle some on the soil when you plant and transplant so I sprinkled a tiny bit in the plug where I placed the Taproot! I hope it's going to make a HUGE (or at least NOTICEABLE) difference in the seedling development.

The 2 SR's are good -- just watching the one for hermi parts!
The Assassin is amazing! Still smells the best out of anything I've grown! Staying low and bushy. Inter node growth is incredible! 3 New Assassin's today with Myco Madness added to taproot area.
The NYLPD's are going strong! All 4 look great!

Updated pics to follow tomorrow. I'll be keeping a CLOSE eye on that one Snow Ryder. Thanks guys! Appreciate it as always! :smoke:

P.S. After a long day we had a late dinner. We like to smoke that Kush after dinner. Compliments nicely :D. Long story short.. Just now my girl says "Look! Is that a seed?!" I grab the nugg from her and POOF! :wiz: The Purple Wizard drops TWO big beautiful healthy seeds in our lap! I'm certain this is a Photo Kush of some kind and I think I'll be doing a photo grow sooner than I think! This is THE BEST Kush we've EVER smoked in our lives. And that's a statement. Smoked the shittiest of the shitty to the best of the best. THIS is the BEST. :dance:Seed Fairy Rocks!
Man! Sounds like things are blowing up around there! WooHoo!! :thumbs:
Thanks JD! We seem to share the same timing with ups and downs. It's been way down lately so hopefully things will start to look up again! I better get my beans!
Every time I smoke a Kush I am always impressed. Kicks my ass and I love the taste. I wish I could say the same for the Hazes. I have grown three photo hazes G13 haze, Arden's Haze and Silver Haze. The Siver Haze was the best of the bunch. I was sure happy to find that Super Cali Haze was just as good as any of the photo hazes that I have grown if not better. Are there any auto Kush out there that any of you have grown?
Hey Nelson! Ummm... Straight Kush... I believe OG Kush is an auto. I know Mossy's Original Purple JEMS has Afghan Kush in it. Himalayan Blue Diesel has Nepal Kush in it... I know there has to be more. I'm still a noob so I'm just getting the strains down. There is a thread in the forum listing all the auto strains. You may find some straight kush strains in there... Meaning not crossed with anything.
Love to see all the action you've got going on, WVR. :smoke: I've got a good feeling that you don't have a hermie on your hands. Definitely worth waiting it out for a while.
Hey AB! Thanks a lot bro! Glad to always have you following along! :buds:

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to wait it out and keep a close eye on her. It just stands out to me and a red flag went off. I'm hoping you're right and it's just another calyx forming or something else other than a pollen sack! Thanks again for keeping up with my progress man! :smokebuds:
I gotta grow an auto Kush next year outside. What do ya all reccomend. Doesn't have to be pure. I have grown OG Kush but it was a regular and I loved it. If you are recommending something give me a smoke report and a seed source. I am Lazy and always like to hear what a fellow grower thinks of it rather than some seed company horse shit.

Hey Nelson! Ummm... Straight Kush... I believe OG Kush is an auto. I know Mossy's Original Purple JEMS has Afghan Kush in it. Himalayan Blue Diesel has Nepal Kush in it... I know there has to be more. I'm still a noob so I'm just getting the strains down. There is a thread in the forum listing all the auto strains. You may find some straight kush strains in there... Meaning not crossed with anything.
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