Indoor Feenix's All Terrestrial Bean Holiday Run 2016

Some update pictures
Day 31

day 23
Sex unknown

Day 14
sex unknown

T-4, left T-5 center
Day 2
T- 6 right
Day 1

hope you get some more ladies !!!! Sub'd yup to this show.


Thanks GA6, I may have jumped the gun on pulling the last one . The weird growth that resembled the start of a pod, in the location where a pod would grow, at the forward angle that pods take is showing in the next plant in order and I let it go longer and may just be unusual branching.
Oh well, live and learn. At least the shoots were tasty and enough of them to munch and put in a salad.
The rounded white part and tendrils of the first pic suggested to me that it was the beginning of a pod like the one in the previous pics.
The leaves forming in the 2nd pic suggests I was wrong.


I'm letting it progress til I see an actual pod or, hopefully, pistils.
Hope all will be female

I hope so too Tina but T-2 finally showed a real pod and I just pulled him. I also had another bean crack and it is in a cup. So the beat goes on.

The bean that cracked yesterday had been given up as a lost cause. I had toweled it over 2 weeks ago. Just goes to show that patience counts.
The last to crack is now sprouted so I am back up to 6 plants. All Triangle Dragons.

Looking back to the weird growths I at first thought the beginning of pods, then branching. I was right at first. After watching it a while, The tendrils straightened out and the bulbous part started to develop from within the cage work structure they formed. Unfortunately, I've been getting too much visiting traffic to do the time lapse I wanted. I don't want pollen in the grow room and anywhere else suitable in the house requires me to break it down every time the doorbell rings and it is too much hassle. Besides, I don't think I would get as good a still shot overall as the one I posted and I'm not yet posting video.

I'll get around to it another time because the process fascinates me. I've watched the pod growth of the photos I've grown and none were as complex a structure as these. They are alien.. :doc1:

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