Indoor Feenix's All Terrestrial Bean Holiday Run 2016

Day 24

Nice and bushy should reveal sex soon.

T-4 is struggling a bit to stand straight. It or I damaged the stem on the shell right at the bend. I'd say its a 50/50 chance.

Fat baby, I will pray for you that it will be a girl
Cheesus Dragon
Day 27

I think we will see her sex today

The fuzzy picture is from free handing the endoscope with nothing for support.
Still, not bad for an old stoner with Parkinson's. It's tough to find the target , focus and snap it , in the middle of the bush, without touching it at all .
Without a toke, it would be just squiggly lines.


The good news
Cheesus just showed sex
The bad news
She is a he.
I just pulled him.

Triangle [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is cracked and n the cup​
Oh no, that is not true:grrr2:

Oh yes. Since it was my last Cheesus seed, I'm soaking a couple ET's. Being my last Cheesus, I never checked the dimple on it.

Got 2 tds going myself just came up today hoping for a girl good luck bro .

Cool, I,ll follow them. At the rate I'm using up my ET and Cheesus's I might end up with six Triangles.

Very poor photos but they are pods.

T-4's replacement
Day 1

This contortionist came out twisted into a 360+ degree circle and you can see the twist and turns she is using to straighten out.


