FD's Guide to Growing Hefty Autos in Small Places.

Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
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still trace elements in soil that dont seem to be able to be replicated for hydro yet... beleive me... I'm a big hydro fan... but have as of yet been unable to exactly duplicate taste of soil with hydro... somethings still missing without soil... Kindredspirit could tell you... i used to be hydroponics almost to a fault! lol
hello im new to this site its great, i have only grown these in hydro what is the differance in yeild and plant size between hydro and soil thanks
Hey FD, do you have a pic of your tiered transplant? If I'm understanding you correctly, only about half the cup is planted into the bigger pot right.
Hey FD, do you have a pic of your tiered transplant? If I'm understanding you correctly, only about half the cup is planted into the bigger pot right.

That is correct and i have a few pics of it ill dig up for you.
Give me a few and ill add them in :)
For those wanting to know about the tiered planting. Here is a shot of the ICU in a 2 pot set up.

Thanks FD, that's exactly what I was looking for. I will definately be trying this, +rep! Also, can you be a little more specific as to when you transplant.
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hi full duplex thanks for all your tips, youre obviousley an experienced grower so i must ask you a few questions if you dont mind? Basically i have a 3ftx3ft and 7ft tall space (closet).im wanting to grow 12 autos in 6.5l square pots.
Q1. do you think i could veg with a 300w cfl blue and finish flowering with 600w hps
Q2. can i start them out using paper towel method thin when taproot shows put in canna pro soil without them burning?
Q3. do you think i will have heat probs with hps? i will be getting carbon filter at later stage and a desk fan will be all i have to combat this.
and finally do you think 1 600w hps in mylar lined space will sufficently flower 12 autos? sorry for the questions but any feedback would be greatly appreciated.