FD's Guide to Growing Hefty Autos in Small Places.

Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
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'Bout time too.......:clap: :clap: :clap:

You gotta teach everyone to grow that good in a small pot.


AF's to take over the Growing World...
'Bout time too.......:clap: :clap: :clap:

You gotta teach everyone to grow that good in a small pot.


AF's to take over the Growing World...

I know its been way over due, i should have it unlocked for the masses to post after i get everything in here i want :)

I hope to have it unlocked by this evening

I know that this is something that most of you have a handle on but its something that can be the start of the end if your not careful. The question that is asked time and time again is what is the best way to start your seeds. The best that i can recommend is to germ direct to soil. There is no stress to the plant at all if this is done. The second best, the kind that if you are like me and want to see things work, is the paper towel method either on a plate or in a bag. Either of these two seem to be pretty good about getting high germ rates.

If you choose to go soil the seed only needs to be "pressed" below the soil and covered. Add your water but not to much. I can't tell you the times i have got too excited and over watered and all i got was a mushy mess. It is important to keep them moist but not wet. I have learned that less is more in this case, and in our case it doesn't take much to over water the seeds. In about three to five days i will see their heads above soil.

If you want to go with either of the paper towel methods use the same principal. If you decide to use the bag get a paper towel and a zip lock style baggy and some pH balanced water. After you have choose the seed(s) you want to start soak the paper towel and once it is soaked ring it out to just a moist/damp point. Fold the paper towel around the seed and place into the baggy. Place this in a dark warm place. If you have a laundry room or a closet that contains a water heater, this is an ideal place to set the seed to germinate. Same cane be applied with the plate. Soak a towel and then wring it out to the desired moisture level and place the seed(s) on it. Then apply another one on top of the seed. Once you have completed this cover the area with a bowl and place in the same type of area.

Usually in about a day to two days i get white tails coming out of the seeds. Once they start to show its a good idea to get them in their medium. This avoids the tap root "hairs" from attaching to the towel and causing stress when removed.

Either of these methods will produce great results. Soil is my preferred method things seem to flow the smoothest when i do it this way.

Now that you have got a grasp on germination you are going to need to have a medium to place the seed in after the white tail has emerged. My preference is soil. I have grown in a few different mediums but nothing to me has given me the results i get when i use my hand mixed soil. The biggest thing to the survival of an auto, and any plant is the root system. This is the life line of your plant. If you take care of them they will in turn take care of the plant. Feed the soil and not the plant is the idea here. If there is enough micro activity in your soil, the girls WILL swell like no other.

Now my soil is composed of several things but most importantly all organic friendly and natural compounds. I mix this all by hand that way i can tell when it is ready to just sit there and do its thing. Autos have the unique ability to make it to sex in general compost. They can be germinated directly into the soil and then have no risk of any kind of burn the first two weeks. At this point you can begin a feed regimen but well cover that at a later time.

So i figured that if it is good enough to germ seeds in AND they can make it to sex in it why not use it as a base for all my soil. So with that in mind lets go over a few things i like to add to it to give it the bang.

I start with the base of general baked compost. This is mainly cow patties that have been collected baked in a large oven and then bagged and sold :).
This stuff is loaded with potash and that is fantastic for root development and their health. Then comes in the Blood and Bone Meal, Epsom Salt, powdered egg shells, Sea Weed Kelp (i use liquid), dolomite lime or coffee grounds, powered baby cereal. Now you may laugh at that last ingredient but when you get your hands on some take a look at what that stuff has in it. There are tons of trace minerals and vitamins that the plant loves in there.

Once you have all of this it is time to make it light. That is the key to success here, if the roots are well taken care of and can move easily through the soil the better the result. This is where i have hidden success, Perlite. When you aer mixing this together it is important to have a good deal of perlite in the mix. I use one 18Qt Bag to a 25lb bag of compost. Its seems like over kill but i promise you there will be no root binding. What this has done for me is allow one main tap all the way to the bottom and then the rest of the soil is concentrated with the feeding roots that branch off. When i remove the dirt from the pots the roots look like spider webs instead of circling roots. Most of the time you are unable to see any roots on the outside edge of the soil.

So with a prime mix and super light soil you are able to create an environment for rapid growth and healthy root development. I cant stress enough how important it is to maintain healthy roots, if you do this you will have superb plants.

Now what would this be if i didnt give the measurement break down of what i use in the mix.

25lb bag of compo
18Qt Bag perlite
3 cups of Blood and bone Meal
1.5 cups of powdered egg shells
1.5 Cups of Epsom salt
1/2 cup of sea weed kelp
1 cup of powdered baby cereal

I then mix all this together at once. Mix until you think you have mixed enough and then do it some more for about 5 min. After this test the soil's pH. Adjust it to where you need it by using the lime of coffee grounds to go down. Most of the time you will need to bring it down. If you need to bring it up i have used baking soda in the past. Once you have it to the desired level you can let it sit until you need it. Now i have never let it sit for any specific amout of time other than just over night before use.

One thing that i do is reuse the soil. After a plant is done ill through all of it back into the bin. I may break it up a little but it all goes back and gets used over and over. Plus it promotes healthy soil as it sits there and breaks down.

One other tip that i can advised is if you are able to keep a bin with a lid, go out and buy a few dozen earth worms and throw them in there. The soil has to stay damp to keep them alive, but the fresh casings in the soil are fantastic.


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Water The Key to my Success

There are several of you that are already doing this and are seeing the results already. Wiz has seen some astronomical changes in his gals since he has been treating his water in the way of my method.

Most of you know how important it is to give the plants we love what they need. What do you think would happen if you could super charge their growth in an area that is only ment to provide small and minimal yields? Well i can tell you that if done correctly and checked on the regular, you can pull yields in 1 gal 6in pots that the guys growing in 2 and 3 gal pots get. The best part about it all, its in the water that you feed them.

Most of us know that the roots of cannabis love o2. The more that we can get in there the better the plant will do. In this section i want you to forget about what is above the dirt and focus on the roots. I know its tough and we get what we want from the top, but if we don't take care of whats below you can forget about anything from the top worth smoking. The roots of the plant are the most important thing about your entire grow. If they are not healthy they just can't perform.

So i needed a way to get the roots as much o2 as possible allowing maximum up take of water and nutes. If i could do this, the roots would remain in great condition producing a better plant on top. I stumbled across what is now known to most as the Amended Water Method. I knew that the ideal pH for uptake in soil is in the 6.2-6.6 range. If i could administer the water to the plant at a perfect pH at all times i know i would be able to keep the roots as well as the plant healthy. So i started gathering rain water to get a consistent pH balanced source of water. This was a great idea but soon realized that the water over time would loose the pH and go back to the 7.0-7.5 area.

I solved one problem and then gained another, i was still having to buffer my water and this was something i didnt want to have to do all the time. I began to test a theory, i added some of the oxygen tabs from the aquarium section to the water over night to see if the pH would change. It did not and it stayed this way for all three days that the tab lasted. As the o2 left the water it began to migrate its way back to the neutral pH. I then knew if i kept the o2 in the water all the time i could keep the pH balanced. Little did i know i was doing something that was going to give me some unrealistic yields in tiny tiny pots.

The method is a follows. You can do this to any type of water that you are using to feed with I prefer rain. May it be tap (let it set for a day), Distilled, R.O., rain or filtered water all of these will keep a perfect pH balance as well as bring a whole new level of life and growth to the plants. So this is what you need to do. I use 1 gallon jugs to hold my water while i add the o2 to it. After you have filled your Jugs and pH'ed them to the correct level drop the pump into the water and let it bubble. I run my pumps 24/7 to do 2 things. 1. This allows the water to have the maximum o2 it can have at all times. If the water temp drops you can cram more dissolved o2 into the water. 2. Keeps the pH perfect in the water at all time all the way to the end of the jug.

So when you apply this water several things happen to your advantage.
1. The roots get a high oxygenated dose of perfect pH'ed water which allows maximum uptake by the roots allowing the plant to eat.
2. As the water temp rises in the soil it begins releasing more o2 into the root system, giving them more time to grab the available o2 in the water.
3. All of the o2 keeps the root system healthy as well as keeps any pathogens at bay with the extra o2

All of this allows for the plant to be in good health at all time. This allows it to fight pathogens, bugs, as well as disease.

So keeping a constant fresh, balanced, pH corrected, and oxygenated water source around your grow WILL improve everything over all. The plant vigor, health, size and most importantly the buds.
:toke: Thank you for that, I have had trouble with germination of very tiny seeds, Mi5 ect. Does pre-soaking them help? I currently use a pre-soak method to wake them up. I was also told, not done yet, to place match strike in box and shake seed in match box to crack it a little, have you heard of that method? cheers mike
Okay maybe this is a already answered or stupid question but what do you use to attach to the pumps? A bubble stone of some sort? or just the tubing putting out bubbles in the jugs of water? How long do the bubbles/pumps take to super charge the water with o2?

Thanks for the write up I will be using this information for sure.