Thank you very much, :d5:I’ve just gotta flush them out properly know too get that clean smoke. Yh defently they looks nice too be honest.
havent you heard flushing dont make a difference :crying: sorry just making myself laugh here there was a study done recently that concluded there was no notable difference in the end product between flushed and non flushed there twos of looking at that as far as i can see if there was notable difference then why feed for a extra two weeks seems they dont need it if theres no difference in yield taste smell and burn i personally flush/leach my plants when i havnt the smoke is harsh so i know which i like to do sorry for the rant been thinking about that for awhile :smokeit:
havent you heard flushing dont make a difference :crying: sorry just making myself laugh here there was a study done recently that concluded there was no notable difference in the end product between flushed and non flushed there twos of looking at that as far as i can see if there was notable difference then why feed for a extra two weeks seems they dont need it if theres no difference in yield taste smell and burn i personally flush/leach my plants when i havnt the smoke is harsh so i know which i like to do sorry for the rant been thinking about that for awhile :smokeit:

I’ve heard that aswell,

ok I have a question for you what causes black ash. Smoke that is not desirable and tastes like crap?
None of us are scientists lol but every feed schedule ive touched or seen always recommend flush with plain water. I mean that statement alone for nutrients company’s too make is like a fast burger joint saying don’t eat burgers past 9. So by just using that term there losing millions!
I’m not just flushing the root zone I’m flushing my buds from any excess nutrient build and heavy metal residue left over. Flawless finish binds too any thing and leaches it out.

From Growers like Arjan, green house seeds too rare Dankbess tge cannabis world modules and leading face of cannons. The owners all recommended flush. Even the likes of jungle boys flush. Even a famous author like remo does a good flush and always states this is clean white as menacing it’s flushed. His gone too open his own nutrient line by using pharma grade salts reducing the heavy metal content. Makes it clean line and openly admits it’s for cannabis. thease guys Use leading chemists And researchers making there nutes if they said it’s recommended It’s hard too believe there doing something wrong.

this could be the case with organic farming as the plant takes up nutrients when ever it’s needed.

bit everyone is missing the point you can naturally create flushing with lowering your temperatures. Changing too blue spectrum simulating your plants authum is coming the plants will naturally use up all nutrients. Maybe that’s why flushing isn’t always working becuse of growers not being able too change temperature. I usually just stick a smaller led light in and watch the way the stack the frost.

But it’s all complicated for me. I’m just trying too figure how many flushes I can do before harvest lol and what’s the right amount of water too use in each drenching.

mans last question who was the study done by and what credentials. Do they own nutrients line or are they a bio chemist.did they use home equipment. And had not lab reports? how accurate was the test. Or was the test another speculation on top off another
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havent you heard flushing dont make a difference :crying: sorry just making myself laugh here there was a study done recently that concluded there was no notable difference in the end product between flushed and non flushed there twos of looking at that as far as i can see if there was notable difference then why feed for a extra two weeks seems they dont need it if theres no difference in yield taste smell and burn i personally flush/leach my plants when i havnt the smoke is harsh so i know which i like to do sorry for the rant been thinking about that for awhile :smokeit:
I listened to a podcast the other day with a very well respected credentialed individual in the Cannabis community. Scientifically I gather flushing does not do what people think flowers aren't like leaves in that once nutrients have been drawn there they aren't drawn back to send a else I think he used the terms sink and storehouse respectively for flower and leaves. So in that sense yes flushing doesn't do anything. He also pushed back with the fact that there is more the enough anecdotal evidence to show that something definitely is happening and that it's likely something to do with shocking the plant which is why some people do ice water flushes I guess and probably the reason people do dark time before harvest. To break it down flushing isn't doing what people tend to believe although it is more then likely doing something. I flush some and dark time personally but I have had times where I wasn't there to flush when it needed it so it didn't get it and it wasn't noticeable to me on that occasion but that was also a while ago and my memory isn't crisp in regards to how different if at all it was. It's to each their own people will doubt you until you prove them wrong. A lot has been learned in the Cannabis world period but autoflowers specifically and with vpd and other things the science is catching up and raising the ceilings of what we can accomplish combine that with people's real life experience and I get excited to see what can be done.
I believe the guy on the podcast has university degrees in horticultural science and plenty of experience and works with other bright minds. I could say who it was on the podcast, just he has his own site and I don't know what's kosher as far as sending people to other places then here.
I’ve used advanced nutrients so this is there verdict

Let’s address these anti-flushing arguments one by one.
  1. Flushing your plants does not involve robbing them off nutrients. On the contrary, it allows your plants the chance to use the excess nutrients they have accumulated throughout the grow cycle. When you feed your crops full nutrient loads right up until the time of harvest, they retain an overabundance of compounds that affect the quality of the final product — including its taste, smell and overall smoothness.It’s also important to note that the main purpose behind flushing is not to encourage substantial new growth — although, flushing can cause your crop’s floral blooms to swell, since plants are not expelling all their energy on nutrient uptake.
  2. Any grower who has experienced nutrient burn knows the argument that plants cannot expel excess nutrients holds no weight. Ask any seasoned cultivator how to fix nutrient burn and they will tell you: You need to flush your plants and allow them time to use up the excess nutrients.The same logic applies to pre-harvest flushing. You’re giving your plants just enough time to use up surplus nutrients, salts and other compounds.
  3. The argument that soil can’t be effectively flushed is simply illogical and just plain wrong. Plants grown in soil can be flushed — it just takes a longer period of time than flushing plants grown in hydro or coco.
  4. It’s true that withholding nutrients places stress on plants and causes them to increase defense compounds. However, in certain plants, the primary defense compounds are actually the most desirable constituents, so flushing before harvest can significantly increase the value of the final product.
  5. At Advanced Nutrients, we employ the largest team of Ph.D. botanists, microbiologists, entomologists, hormone specialists and organic chemists in the industry. These scientists are dedicated solely to studying cultivation best practices and are constantly conducting laboratory research. The notion that plant flushing is “pseudoscience” is simply absurd.
So advanced tell you too atop using the expensive line of multiple bottles too use a small cheap bottle of flush. For like 10-20 days of flush. This is like eliminating 20 percent of there over all capital away. If flushing didn’t work these guys are losing millions if not billions are certainly don’t know what there talking about! When it comes too money and product research I dought there cutting corners they’ve got enough gdp too uncover myths. But they specialise in nutrients Soley if they’ve advised me I should. There’s no point for me too ignore it. its like iPhone telling you how too use something but then you ignore it and Ask somebody else. if words hold value there’s hold more too me.

This is what they say, let’s just allow this subject and carry on with growing lol

How does this amazing process work to free your plants and make them more valuable? If you could see down to the molecular level, here’s what you’d witness:
Flawless Finish contains a broad range of ingredients known as “chelates.”
Chelates are like chemical “claws” that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.
Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Flawless Finish/water solution.
Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.
By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.
It's not that flushing doesn't pull excess nutrients from the plant and salts from the soil it just won't take anything from the flowers and that's what you are smoking. It was Dr. MJ COCO on the autoflower podcast I'll look up the episode on Spotify too but I have had build up and nute burn and flushed to remove salts and get ec in ideal range for growth. What I am saying second hand as I'm not a scientist or horticulturist is that. Flushing Does not pull nutrients from the flowers themselves as the are not storehouses for nutrients leaves are different they do store some nutrients. He also says which I believe as well that something happens from the flush. It's just not nutrients being pulled from the flower. Also I use different nutrients and it recommends a flush week as well but continue feeding ingredients that aren't possessing and n-p-k value. I flush personally and use dark time so I'm not arguing against anyone doing it just science is science. It also is only saying it doesn't strip nutrients from the flower not that it isn't beneficial or worthwhile.