Grow Mediums Fast Buds and Sweet Seeds

@Olde School Player
The DP Blue Auto Mazar looks really good. 4-5 ops off a Auto is really pretty good actually. If one is a year round/no breaks grower then the auto can supply an extra harvest in 12 months.

I do see "taller" plants this time but I will wait to see the final height. I do plan to keep my ChilLLED Tech light, Scottie, at the 45" above the coco. I am always amazed at the great looking plants that people grow with less wattage than I have. I feel my light is too bright and makes , so far, all of my ladies real lazy. They do not need to search for light. 45" is my experiment with Scottie to see if I can get more than 5-6 inches of stretch. Time will tell.

Take a look at this grow with just 250 Watt with cobs
That's a monster for sure!!! And yes, I agree, there are some great grows running low watts. I've conditioned myself to be satisfied with a 6oz plant but really I don't start smiling until she hits 8oz. And the really good yielders I've grown have provided close to 12oz off a single plant grow. I guess I'm guilty of once-you-experience-it, you expect it, huh? So chasing this stretch thing that I've encountered since switching from HID to LED is my way of pushing the yield to its limits. Why I'm not sure... guess it's just because I can & it's fun. Don't want to go stagnant & stop learning!!!

I've learned from past experience that 250W is about the minimum HID strength to get quality buds. So when
some smart assed breeder sent me some freebie autoflower seeds in an order, and I was getting curious about autoflowers anyway, I decided to give them a run. Heck, why protect the guilty???? It was World of Seeds and the strain was a Northern Lights - Big Bud Auto. That first autoflower grow did 6.5oz under the little 250W HID.​
Fast forward to now, I found your threads trying to figure out why my DP Blackberry Kush was such a disappointment. Your results gave me hope, further reading helped me develop this light height theory. So this Blimburn Seeds Mamba Negra Auto I just dropped is going to be my research baby to confirm my stretch theory. I've grown her under HID & know what she's capable of. And I'm comfortable enough with my LED's now to expect comparable results. But if my theory is correct, and I can get vegetative / early bloom stretch with LED, then I expect my yields will take the next giant step forward.
Soon as Mamba pops I'm going to start a thread to document results of the stretch - to - light height theory. If this doesn't produce the results I expect, next round will be HID for veg and early bloom to encourage stretch (I did see this with the Blackberry Kush) followed by LED in the 12-14" canopy range to encourage full rock hard bud development (I didn't get that with the BK - fluffy buds & low yield).
In the meantime, I'll be watching as you got a head start on me!!! See ya soon.
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Oh - forgot in my last post. Since I discovered your thread I've done a lot of reading on this AutoPot phenomenon that's taking AFN by storm. Very interesting product. I think I'm going to incorporate a portion of that technology into my Ebb n'Grow system - the air dome. In your experience, do you fee the actual dome adds anything to the equation, or is it just the extra air pumped into the root zone? And the actual air bubbler - one member posted that it is nothing more than some RainBird drip irrigation tubing and related fittings to make it into a rounded shape fitting inside the dome. Would you agree with the RainBird material assessment?
My Ebb 'n Grow buckets are rated as 4 gallon, and I flood for 15 minutes every two hours. Reservoir aeration rund 24X7. When each flood cycle drains, it passively pulls fresh air back into the entire root zone. I think I can also place the airdome (or RainBird equivalent) at the bottom of the net pot & get an even better oxygen exchange directly into the root zone. If my thinking is right I should see improved results with that mod. Thoughts?
The Autopot system is simple, easy and extremely low cost. I am not much of a DYI, so I would not build a system. The newbie Like I was can get into to this for a $150. for a four bucket system. And it works.

The air dome is IMHO the real key to the whole system I can hardly wait for the ladies to begin to almost touch the inside of the walls of the pot itself. This is when the air dome is kick on and the ladies just go crazy with growth. I feel that the dome gives space at the bottom for water to sit so it is easily allows the air to seek many air ways to the to the top. And to make bubbles you need water in an open space of water. If there were just the tubing or a air stone at the bottom then they "may" not be a good distributor of air without sitting in the water. All I know in this case is it works and works great so I will not mess with it.

The tubing is very much like the soaker tubing that some manufacturers make like RainBird, etc. So I agree. But my concern is IF it does not sit in water to allow it to bubble, then the air could dry out you roots and do harm. Now this is just how I see it.

Since I discovered your thread I've done a lot of reading on this AutoPot phenomenon that's taking AFN by storm. Very interesting product. I think I'm going to incorporate a portion of that technology into my Ebb n'Grow system - the air dome. In your experience, do you fee the actual dome adds anything to the equation, or is it just the extra air pumped into the root zone? And the actual air bubbler - one member posted that it is nothing more than some RainBird drip irrigation tubing and related fittings to make it into a rounded shape fitting inside the dome. Would you agree with the RainBird material assessment?
My Ebb 'n Grow buckets are rated as 4 gallon, and I flood for 15 minutes every two hours. Reservoir aeration rund 24X7. When each flood cycle drains, it passively pulls fresh air back into the entire root zone. I think I can also place the airdome (or RainBird equivalent) at the bottom of the net pot & get an even better oxygen exchange directly into the root zone. If my thinking is right I should see improved results with that mod. Thoughts?
March 26, 2017

Fast Buds, LSD-25 is 15 days old
Fast Buds, Green Crack is 15 days old
Fast Buds, Six Shooter is 15 days old

Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47 is 14 days old

The ladies are looking really good all except for the Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47. This one is growing but it's root got pointed in the wrong direction when I placed it in the RootRiot. I will continue to watch it mature. I have a tight time table I need to adhere to and so I can not plant an other seed. I will not have the time to harvest it. So I will have three beauties.

On March 24 I feed the ladies for the second time. Each got one Liter of water with 2ml/l of AN Voodoo Juice, 0.6 ml/l of AN PH A & B and 1ml/l of cal/mg.

Here are all four ladies.

Here is the Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47. She is growing, really she is. I know she will do fine. At least I have not killed her :nono:


Here is Fast Buds, Green Crack. I know she and the other 3 ladies are getting ready to take off. Take a look at the stem coming out of the coco compared to the stem above the first leaves. The upper stem is gathering strength to hold up the mass to come.



Here is Fast Buds, LSD-25.



Here is Fast Buds, Six Shooter. She started out as a twin but I did snip the smaller stem. She has adjusted to being by herself, thanks @HemiSync for letting me know it would be for the best. Let the strong survive.



Thanks for watching. I'm feeling like my three ladies will be ready for the airdromes in a week or so. Then the AP magic blows in the ladies....
March 26, 2017

Fast Buds, LSD-25 is 15 days old
Fast Buds, Green Crack is 15 days old
Fast Buds, Six Shooter is 15 days old

Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47 is 14 days old

The ladies are looking really good all except for the Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47. This one is growing but it's root got pointed in the wrong direction when I placed it in the RootRiot. I will continue to watch it mature. I have a tight time table I need to adhere to and so I can not plant an other seed. I will not have the time to harvest it. So I will have three beauties.

On March 24 I feed the ladies for the second time. Each got one Liter of water with 2ml/l of AN Voodoo Juice, 0.6 ml/l of AN PH A & B and 1ml/l of cal/mg.

Here are all four ladies.
View attachment 882895

Here is the Sweet Seeds, Jack - 47. She is growing, really she is. I know she will do fine. At least I have not killed her :nono:
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Here is Fast Buds, Green Crack. I know she and the other 3 ladies are getting ready to take off. Take a look at the stem coming out of the coco compared to the stem above the first leaves. The upper stem is gathering strength to hold up the mass to come.

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Here is Fast Buds, LSD-25.
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Here is Fast Buds, Six Shooter. She started out as a twin but I did snip the smaller stem. She has adjusted to being by herself, thanks @HemiSync for letting me know it would be for the best. Let the strong survive.
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Thanks for watching. I'm feeling like my three ladies will be ready for the airdromes in a week or so. Then the AP magic blows in the ladies....
They look good to me. The stunted one should bounce back and give you something for your trouble. I know what you mean about time tables. My photo grow is due for harvest the 1st of June and with the summer heat in my basement I cannot grow in this area much past that without issues. So my mutated, possibly male, plant has been put in a 2 gallon pot for a little experimentation and the Autopots have been reconfigured for three instead of four.
They look good to me. The stunted one should bounce back and give you something for your trouble. I know what you mean about time tables. My photo grow is due for harvest the 1st of June and with the summer heat in my basement I cannot grow in this area much past that without issues. So my mutated, possibly male, plant has been put in a 2 gallon pot for a little experimentation and the Autopots have been reconfigured for three instead of four.

Yes I am very pleased about the three of them They are all bigger than my other grow, so yes, very pleased I am indeed.
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Beautiful ladies!!! And I agree with Hemi, that little Jack-47 should come back. Might be a pheno thing, might just be a runt, but she looks healthy and should give you something for your trouble.
I remember one of my early indoor grows - an outdoor grower friend gave me a donor bud that had pollenated in an Ohio cornfield - a G-13 / Big Bud hybrid. Of the seeds I germinated, most leaned toward the Big Bud phenotype, but one bean was (I assume because I never had a pure G-13) more G-13. The difference in the two was crazy, but that little G-13 pheno could have cured world hunger. I kept her going for a couple of years before the wife moved on to other strains....
Big Bud:
