Fast Buds Fast Buds 2021 Grow&show

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Fast Buds Pineapple Express Day 35 Start of week 2 flower. Fertigating 3 times a day for 51 seconds. 5.8-6.1ph. 800ppm in (500 scale) 900-950 ppm out.
Update #7: @Mañ'O'Green
Strain: 2x Strawberry Banana, 1x Purple Punch
Day 50, just starting week 8.
Girls are doing ok, considering that I got distracted for a few days and missed a much needed watering. But we'll make it through.

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During my last update I mentioned that I'd had a wrestling match with some spider mites. I won the battle, but you gotta stay on top or you'll lose the war. Anyway, many thanks to @Jsmith for the extended write-up and advise on dealing with mites and the use of DE. That was most kind of you. Fact is, although I still have some DE, I'm not fond of using it. Got some a couple of years also to combat fungus gnats. I didn't work at all for that (mosquito bits did), but man what a messy hassle using it. So far, my mighty mite solution has been alternating sprays of Dr. zymes and Trifecta. Seems to be doing the trick.

You're very welcome man!

I've tried canna cure, neem, dr zymes, and de. Cannacure and Neem Oil did absolutely nothing. You can buy different forms of DE earth. You need the food grade one. I used that in combination with dr zymes and got rid of those little bastards. Nowadays I just top dress my soil from time to time, and dab some on the stock of the plant and leaves and never ever had any infestation since.
You're very welcome man!

I've tried canna cure, neem, dr zymes, and de. Cannacure and Neem Oil did absolutely nothing. You can buy different forms of DE earth. You need the food grade one. I used that in combination with dr zymes and got rid of those little bastards. Nowadays I just top dress my soil from time to time, and dab some on the stock of the plant and leaves and never ever had any infestation since.
I've used DE since the early 90s. It doesn't necessarily have to be "food grade" quality, just not heat processed like they do for DE that's used in pool filtration.
LOL! I still have 4 5gal buckets left from my "little" food garden, so it's been quite the while since I bought some, so I have no idea of the trending of current marketing.
How did you know you had mites? Someone said you can't even see them?
Hi @Rayann74 - yep, you would need extraordinary eyesight to spot, especially if you don't know what you're looking for. You really need a 30x magnifier to make the identification. If you let things go too far, you'll know you have them because you plant will be covered with webs. But that's a very late stage event. You can tell long before with the naked eye my simply noting the leaf health. Little whiteish spots are leaf damage. Tiny little glistening globes are eggs. Other telltale signs of poor leaf health (yellowing, blotchiness, etc) would be a sign that something's not right --- might be a nutrient problem, but might be mites -- worth a look with the scope. Here's a couple of shots of a leaf and the culprit.

Leaf damage.jpg
spider mites.jpg
Late Flower
Day 53 wedding glue auto @Fast Buds Heather
I think this would be update #5 @Mañ'O'Green so after this would be the harvest update and dry bud I believe..
Everything has been growing good no issues at all. A super easy grow so far I think ive top dressed twice with BAS craft blend and buildaflower aswell. Oh can't forget about the random scraps I've added for organic matter (lettuce, some watermelon), bokashi and some neem meal I think just once.

Her smell is sweet for sure still can't pinpoint but I do get some berry tones.
Update #4
Week 7
Mim Cake and straw ban
@Fast Buds Heather @Mañ'O'Green

we’ve hit the end of week 7 and both gals are still cruising along.
so I emailed heather with an update on a couple things and mentioned this already but poor straw ban is just so fugly and janky looking.
She won’t be appearing in any pics until there’s enough bud to distract from all the jank lol.

Mim Cake tho is still my bae.
my only regret with her is that I did not put her into a bigger pot.
She’s in a 1gal and the worst bit is that I briefly entertained the notion of transplanting her into one of these sexy fb fab pots. Maybe week 3-4.
anywho, we luv her and she’s building a ring of sexy weed.
there has been a touch of light stress this week as I got and put up a new light in the tent.
I started the light at 50% and ive managed to slowly up the light power to protect everything in the tent but I’m seeing a touch here and there.
Ill knock out update #5 next week so I can cruise control until that harvest and then bud pic update.
I think we have at least another month before it’s chop time.
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