Dinafem Fadeds outdoor 2020. Dinafem, Humboldt, Mephisto. No till organic

@davisgirl Day 28 for the ladies. Transplanted og cookies [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] into 3 gallon smart pot with my soil mix. Will see how she likes it before i put the other girls into. They gettin to big for tent almost.
@MesaBoogie haha yep thats what i been using. Physical labor not a problem for me, its the mental part. I can bury 2 fence posts faster then i can type this here update lol shes almost done tho. @davisgirl hey im the same way. I been taking bits and pieces of info from growtogrow and just by feel and what the girls tell me they want. Sounds crazy but thats how they are lol i put some pics up soon.