Dinafem Fadeds outdoor 2020. Dinafem, Humboldt, Mephisto. No till organic

@Tyler_Durden88 thinks for the advice bro. I’ll take all the advice and info I can get. Still gotta put a beating on my good bro @faded187.
Lol he's coming out swinging like the looks of it. I got my A game ready as well. Everyone seems to be going in hard in the RWYB battle.
Every grow is diffrent not all the same rules apply. Anyone that says they absolutely know what to do is full of it. I still learn somthing new every week. Defoiliation is a art form that is risky for even very experienced growers. I still make mistakes with defoiliation. My little advice is never do it to a unhealthy plant and never remove more than 1/3 Of the leafs. Look down onto the plant if indoors bc that's where your light shines from. Try to take leafs lower down on nodes and not newly formed ones. The goal is to get improved air movement and light penetration while triggering the plants growth responce. But its still like walking a tightrope. I do a defoiliation at the start of preflower that way I know where the bud sites are gonna be and plus defoiliating in flower is alot riskier. Hope this helps growbro.
Thats exactly right. Older fan leaves in certain areas, shell tell ya which ones. Never new leaves, that what helps their stretch. Main goal is air circulation outdoors. Hey bro i appreciate the compliments. It was just my opinion no reason to cause a bunch a ruckus.
. Sorry mark im out of all battles besides the run what ya brung.

@faded187 ..Here to delete my posts..and grant your request to leave the Battles......:wizzy:...
Thank You for the work you did on the Levels...:bravo:...I Wish you success in the Run what you brung thread...

If I have Missed any posts you want deleted...tag me...:headbang:

In Honor of you Service I have created a Retired Gladiator Badge...:bravo:...you are the first to wear it.

It May disappear when the server updates....but I'll keep the Catagory in the new badges..to denote site service. :bravo:
@faded187 ..Here to delete my posts..and grant your request to leave the Battles......:wizzy:...
Thank You for the work you did on the Levels...:bravo:...I Wish you success in the Run what you brung thread...

If I have Missed any posts you want deleted...tag me...:headbang:

I said DONT delete any of my files photos journals. I feel people need to see whole story.But whatever, do what you gotta do.
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The only other ones are the ones you Deleted...



We can still Read them....but I'm not sure we can reinstate them when you have deleted them...:headbang:..but I can cut and copy them for you...tag me if you want me to...
Ah..there you go...I can screen shot them....:yeah:
