Dinafem Fadeds outdoor 2020. Dinafem, Humboldt, Mephisto. No till organic

Sorry @faded187 i was only trying to help, but still fucked her up. lol. To many videos from people I thought new what they were doing. Anyways bro anytime you need some help I’m always here for you bro.
Faded, It looks to me like you just found yourself that "automatic" bud trimer you've been looking for ! Get your hands ready @Shopboys420 :rofl:
Sorry @faded187 i was only trying to help, but still fucked her up. lol. To many videos from people I thought new what they were doing. Anyways bro anytime you need some help I’m always here for you bro.
Hey dont worry about bro, she will come out of it. I didn't really mean to call you out on brotha lol just happy you know now. Indoor you might be able to get away with but to much bacteria outside. You should grab your stalk and pull down on fan leaf so makes nice clean break, should sound and feel like celery breaking. Never ever tear skin back. But hell buddy your first grow is rockin bro. You lookin at a couple good staggered harvests. Hey @MesaBoogie you have always been real respectful and i appreciate buddy
. Hey @MesaBoogie you have always been real respectful and i appreciate buddy
Thanks man, that was really nice, made my day. I've been struggling in the grow room lately and it's been grinding on me. I'll take an unsolicited compliment any day as a pick me up !:cheers:
So do you give 2 shits or not? Which is it?

You are a valued part of AFN, but you forget it was AFN collectively that teaches people to grow.

I’m one of those new moderators without a lot of grow experience, although I’ve admittedly had a few successes along the way. It’s not grow experience that wins you a moderator position, it’s effort, a positive attitude, and a desire to help. I’ve never held myself out as an experienced Grower, or as any kind of Bikinibabe69. What is that? Really?

You are both experienced, fine growers. What is it that you think, exactly, that AFN owes you? Earning respect from your peers happens slowly over time.
Excuse me but I help people on here left and right I always offer help and look to help fellow growers that's the whole reason I'm here. And sayinf we arent as dedicated as you or not as possitive is straight wrong.And I remember when you came on this network around 6 months ago and I remember being one of the first people to welcome you here and offer any advice or help you would need. As i do with every new grower i come across. I feel for faded bc he's been here very very very long time. A hell of a lot longer than me you and just about anybody else. And AFN dosent owe US anything but a simple badge or somthing to show how long he's been here and HELPED OTHERS LIKE ME I feel is a good idea. And we should be free to discuss everything on this network freely. If we want to blow off some steam we should be free to do so. Nobody was named or called names or anything of the sort. Just a little frustration and venting. I don't see the issue here.
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@MesaBoogie my hands is always ready for good budz. Lol. But my taste buds going to be happiest. No biggie @faded187 i don’t care call me out. I’m still going to kick your ass in the battle. Lmao.
Hey im not tryin start shit. Let me give you an example of what im trying to say. Lets say im a new grower, brand new to this site. Ok im havin some def issues or what not. First place im gonna ask is a member with all kinds of pretty badges. Right?. Ok now some of these guys are getting wrong info from some of these guys with all the badges with big heads now! If you and i and most all people all of a sudden get rewarded on first grow you gonna start talkin out are asses on info we dont even know wtf were talkin about till ya look back 4 yrs later and say ooops i was wrong there. Sorry everyone i screwed your plants up. Trust me! I don't wanna be a mod, to much work for me. And i thank yall for taking the time to do for us. I don't know how or even care really if what my concerns are get looked at. All i know is when people ask me for advice i give them the best info i know, and nobody knows it all. My garden and plants speak for themselves. And no i don't expect to be rewarded in any way but a lil respect is always nice. I will continue the threads of my choice and update for the few who do follow, and give honest advice even if it stings a lil. Thats me. Im faded. Just my opinions. No more negative talk on my thread please. Sorry and thank you all
Sorry @faded187 i was only trying to help, but still fucked her up. lol. To many videos from people I thought new what they were doing. Anyways bro anytime you need some help I’m always here for you bro.
Every grow is diffrent not all the same rules apply. Anyone that says they absolutely know what to do is full of it. I still learn somthing new every week. Defoiliation is a art form that is risky for even very experienced growers. I still make mistakes with defoiliation. My little advice is never do it to a unhealthy plant and never remove more than 1/3 Of the leafs. Look down onto the plant if indoors bc that's where your light shines from. Try to take leafs lower down on nodes and not newly formed ones. The goal is to get improved air movement and light penetration while triggering the plants growth responce. But its still like walking a tightrope. I do a defoiliation at the start of preflower that way I know where the bud sites are gonna be and plus defoiliating in flower is alot riskier. Hope this helps growbro.