Grow Mediums f6 does what f6 does ;)

@Olde School Player hi mate, good to see you! Nice lady you have there!


Hope everyone can see the beginning of my myco and trachaderm village!

White fuzz on the cloth pots! This should increase in coverage and density if I don't kill them!

Doing nute change today and need to be careful to preserve the base load bacteria colony. So although my tap water is excellent (one of the best in the world apparently) I need to get nutes and temp correct before dosing the mammoth P and 420 benificials!

Next post we will meet the nutes!


So this is my full line up!

In Veg & Bloom;

- GH FloraNova bloom (I don't use the Veg at all)
- GH Floralicious Plus
- Growtek CalMag (first time usage)
- Mammoth P (first time use)
- 420 Benificials (first use, was using Great White Myco)

In Bloom;

- The above in slight variation
- Nf Bud Burst (formerly Alaska Pure)
- Sensi Bio Diesel

EC and concentrations vary on how I feel.. I let the girls guide me but I always love to see fuzz on the pots, makes me feel ok about the cost of the beneficials!


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First issue... Kinda screws up my tent setup.

Stone Dragon is a male, I don't think there is any reliable way to turn him to female so I'm going to pop a Zamnesia Critical and take this dragon out and finish him and harvest pollen, maybe under t5....


Maaaaannnn, I hate it when that happens. Once upon a time, I was dying for some Pineapple Express so I ordered a G-13 Labs Auto version. Popped it, got into the grow, and it was a full-on MALE. Man, pissed me off to no end (I've never tried breeding or seeding with auto's, so it just pissed me off. Live & learn....). But I've found a very effective way to deal with this. So put on your ball cap, cock it over so the brim is pointing off the side of your head, BURST into the room (that part's important, don't ease around, COMMIT to it!!!) and yell. "SUMBITCH, I'M GONNA CUT YOU!"

Then do it.
Guaranteed, the boy's won't be back that day.

Wednesday again! Day 22

Did a bit of maintenance, EC holding nicely at 0.7 and they are all looking fresh! The pale color I put down to this light but we will see, no deficiency observed and growth is stellar! Root are now reporting in the tray :thumbsup:

Unfortunately also some slime, but this is manageable and pretty much goes away when I get full canopy. Although I am working on fixing some "by design shortcomings" my rig has....


@fettled6 love your setup, did you purchase or build that manifold? Hope you built it so you can tell me where to get those. I need connectors like that to run between my Flo n' Gro manifold and the grow pot in my tent. Historically I've used regular hydro grommets and connectors with 3/4" hose. But that diameter hose is so thick and unwieldy, last time I set up my system I actually cracked my manifold bucket right where the connector goes through the sidewall of the manifold bucket. Can you say, shitty-assed hydro leak caused by equipment failure???
If I could modify my grow bucket & manifold connectors to that style I could set up, tear down, and adjust away without ever creating a leak.
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It's Wednesday! So time for some midweek madness!


Day 29!

Bam! Clockwise from the left.
Ruby :pighug:
Spiritwalker :growing:
Citris Noir :vibe:
Stone Dragon has been :redcard: and is now in my crawlspace..


He is not far off dropping pollen everywhere so I'm going to start wetting down random things and myself before working with the ladies!

I think I've killed the Critical seedling so I'll rework the tent on the weekend and do some more training and trimming (I don't like to do to many rounds of training to often) usually around day 24 and then around day 48 as a final but these girls are motoring so I guess I'll keep working on them to fill out the extra lateral space!

More pics of each girl soon, I have to now go through a ritual before working on the girls and it's a work night so might not get to it today!

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A few more pics!

Ruby! So pretty! I love her and now really powering on and keeping up with the sativias! Needs a bit of training and defol but she is so loving it I'm holding out!


Spiritwalker bent shaft!

But lots of bud sites, she was topped and biggest of the 3!


CN also bent over but not topped!

Not far behind the SW!

All girls doing very well, 1.2 EC now and pushing them to fruit! Must defol soon, again I guess


A bit of blood on the dance floor!

Undercarriage trim of all the girls! And a bit of shuffling now the SD male is :redcard:

The Spiritwalker is weird, split branch, some branches are staggered nodes others are normal!


SD not far from pollen drop!

All is good, girls are stripping nutes from 1.2ec to 1.0ec daily and 20lt (evap included) so they are definitely eating!

A bit stretchy now, and having trained at circa day 22 and now 32 I'm hoping to have them in control.

Today was the most trimming I have done but I feel if I don't take charge they might get unwieldy on me. Tomorrow will be the final pull down and only selective trimming from now on.

Im not super happy with the sativa's, the Ruby is perfect tho! :pighug:

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I'm so slack actually, haven't done anything on the ebb and flow element, just been manually cycling with a piece of pipe in the tray drain to keep the tray flooded! It's usually when they are young that the flooded tray makes them sad.

When establilished they love the wet feet and bubbles!

Next we will meet the light! And some final training pics! :thumbsup:
