Grow Mediums f6 does what f6 does ;)

Viewers please add your comments and discussion freely! And tunes please!

Food for my soul while I tend my garden and share my joy with you all!

Not much to report but I usually do a midweek and Sunday update. Might not even have pics just some data if there isn't much going on.

Anyhow, will get to nutes and stuff but all is holding well for relatively baby girls getting established!

I did install a t piece to let me do a bit of hand feeding and wetting down of the girls before I get the ebb/flow/dwc bit rolling! (I'm manually cycling this btw to gently intro the girls to having wet feet)


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Having some canoeing issues, I'm not super worried and can attest this to a few factors.

@Olde School Player some data for your theory.

- 860w cmh 32"/800mm away from plants.

- 28c & 52% temp/humidity

0.7 EC (this is hot I know and have been watching for claw)

I do see some cannoeing regularly with HID so I'm not stressed but along with the amount of water I move, evap and convection which is above normal I guess just by design I think is what is stressing the leaves. I don't think the plant is stressing, growth is so fast right now (early) that they seems to be bursting out of their leaves!

I'm ok with some caneoing as those leaves will be removed eventually anyway, and as long as new growth is coming in correctly and as expected I'm hunky dory!

This light is a beast but they seem to like it, good nodes and not stretching stupidly. It's very white light but there is apparently a fat red spectrum that you can sort of see on close up pics of the girls at the back.

The other thing is how pale they are!? With hot nutes I would expect darker and clawed as opposed to canoes! I do use optic foliar spray though, not had a problem indoors but have fried a plant outdoors using it. So could be partly heat and evaporative conditions raising leaf surface temperature.

Hmm enough convulsing.. lol

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It's Sunday so quick update!

Day 19

Not to shab if you compare with Wednesdays pic :thumbsup:

Need to start planning what I'm going to do as far as training or topping... I'm more of a tuck and trim and let em do their thing but I can run myself into trouble if they get big..

I'll get to details of the light and my nute schedule soon! (very lazy f6..)

(even a bit lazy with the tunes.. I'm aiming for a bit more than just good old go to 'tallica..)

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