Indoor Eye Likes Pot

So that was day 8 through 11. I think it was the end of day 9 she started with the spots. I'm assuming they'll never go away. Still no idea what they're from! But... with the way all those pretty new leaves are coming in, I'm pretty sure we won't even be able to see those leaves in a few days! The red is almost completely gone now. How tall are they at this age usually?
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Day 12 update. She's continuing to improve and I'm actually surprised at how great her new growth looks today. Her color in natural light is such a pretty green! All of her leaves shimmer in the light. Even the funky ones :crying:... although it's harder to get pics of the shimmer on those 2. It's probably too soon to say, and maybe I just looked at it wrong, but I swear those 2 leaves have started to turn green again where they're shielded by her new leaves. Something to keep an eye on for sure as those leaves continue to grow and shield them even more. They'll never look right. They never did, but they definitely are a sight next to all that new growth. The pic I took this morning compared to earlier tonight shows about 14 hours of growth and it's definitely noticeable me. Found someone's blog from a couple years ago who was growing an automatic jack herer from Royal Queen and their one week picture and two week pictures are pretty close to mine. Except for my leopard leaves of course! Interesting considering what she's been through. First height measurement tonight. 2 inches. Not sure how that compares to others. Anyway... I'm rambling. :baked:
Pics from today.

Day 12 morning shot above. Night shots below.


And these were just out of curiosity. Kind of interesting.

Thanks for looking! Would love to hear what you think!