Indoor Eye Likes Pot

I saw your posts there, just didn't want to jack that thread. That one is for business! If this one dont work, start fresh. It could be a bad seed, who knows. I bet it grows and surprises you. One of my current plants spent 5 days with a stuck seed cap.
Thanks for encouragement @Dudeski ! I won't give up on her. And I'll definitely keep trying either way. I think she's going to be just fine though. I don't think she seems weak at all! She has an ugly ass set of first leaves though :funny:
Found a thread from somebody growing in FF coco loco potting mix that talked to FF about pH. Since it's not just coco and more like a soilless mix amended with coco, FF said to keep the ph between 6.3 and 6.8. pretty sure she's OK now but there was a day right around when she started to look funky that I did 6.1. or so.
After thinking about it for a bit, I decided to give her some water. If she was getting too much water I can only assume that not having any for over 12 hours would have improved her condition. However she seemed less happy and the container she is in seemed dry to me over all.

I would water often, but scarcely.
I use 10 L pots and seedlings get 300-500 ml as often as necessary. Start with just s little water, see how she responds.
Example: My White Widows can drink a litre a day and may droope from thirst eventhough the soil felles moist. My Super Skunks prefere to become quite dry befor watering.
I would water often, but scarcely.
I use 10 L pots and seedlings get 300-500 ml as often as necessary. Start with just s little water, see how she responds.
Example: My White Widows can drink a litre a day and may droope from thirst eventhough the soil felles moist. My Super Skunks prefere to become quite dry befor watering.
But don't feed then yet!

I like GHE Urtica. I feed it the entire life of the plant. When the seedlings have 3 set normal leafs, half dose Urtica 2 times a week will improve stem development greatly. Plant stem stenght depends on Si, which is found in products such as Urtica and Adv. Nutr. Rhino Skin. You can also use food grade siliciumioxide from a healt food store. SiO2 is popular among women and weed. Weed use it for their stems and women for strengthening hair and nails.

You may notice that I use a lot of ions, Mg2+ in particular. Do you know cellular energy metabolism? I expect autos do have huge demand for minerals, due to their high growth rate.

Time for gardening. My automazars need hair dressing...I ponytail them.
I've decided to go ahead and throw up some pics here from the past few days just to keep things flowing more smoothly. It's been an interesting week! All of this can be found in the infirmary post, but to summarize, baby girl started growing red leaves. Then she started growing spots. Lol.. she's doing much better now though. We talked and decided the spots weren't bad. We've seen worse.