Indoor Eye Likes Pot

I was more so agreeing with you, merely based off my experience lol I'd love to see that plant hit or exceed my estimation because it looks like a proper monster!!!


Hell yeah! *high five* I estimate she will triple in size. The buds will.. Get yer wheelbarrow ready Eye!
And I don't wanna jack Eye's thread, but I think you are definitely, MOSTLY right, as I have a handful of friends who grow both autos and photos, but some breeders seem to be more susceptible to certain things than others, however, I'd rarely heard of an auto going more than 100 days or so, and the last Zambezas I grew, I had to chop early at 120+ days because of the mold.. Neither the calyxes, trichs or leaves showed ANY signs of ripeness, and that was the second round I tried from them, and with the nearly complete strikeout from the first round, I sorta chalked it up to a not-so-known breeder.. Perhaps I'm wrong, and maybe I should recant my statements to try and grow another strain of theirs.. I just feel a lot more comfortable growing from breeders that have timelessly proven themselves at this point because this is personal medicine, and I don't have time nor the space to mess around with testing new breeders.. This is solely my opinion, and I hope someone or several folks can prove me wrong and grow some beasts with their genetics, but thus far, in the same environment as those Zambeza JHs, I was able to yield a quap of NLxBB from WoS, and even had some Dinafem WWs to show w/ almost 5oz.. I know I need to dial in my stuff better, but I have a lot of faith that you're right, mostly because I was still experimenting with a hydro set-up that was meant for photos.. Regadless, I still got yield from the lot, so I can't be entirely mad..

This almost goes along with the topping concept.. I topped a couple of the NLxBB I had, and wanted to dedicate them to hydro, but since the JH were taking so long, I ended up tossing them, but their structure was superior to most of what I've grown, but that was the first time I'd ever done that, so naturally, it was a serious hit to my ego when I couldn't finish them.. If what you say is true, I'm gonna stick to my "au naturale" approach because it's worked for me thus far!!

In that case that is most definitely the breeders fault. 120+ days is Super Auto territory. And also I should have said the were Indicas I topped. I don't think all strains top well. Maybe sativas and sati doms top better? Handle it better..? One grow I grew 11 WOS NLxBB and they are mostly single cola strains with little satellite branching so in your case maybe it was beneficial. Every strain I've topped I've also grown naturale lol so in comparison in my room there's no comparison. I tie down if a strain is stretching to no end. Lol
Science junkie; jacking threads, one at a time... lol

I'm on a quest to learn it all, so unfortunately my desire of knowledge/wisdom have trumped my common sense and decency.. So for that, I apologize... however.. Y'all gonna learn today!!!! lol

oh trusssssssssssssst me I have been known to sciencejack a thread or two hahahahahahahahha that is why i just said I like pot cause I have some strong views as well. If you want to just get yo science on and laugh a little go to the last couple pages of the thread in my sig.